- profound meaning;profound argumentation

[profound argumentation] 内容深刻的道理
Upanisads have the important influence upon many religions in ancient India .
The fairly long Chhandogya-upanishad develops the idea of transmigration of souls .
The Isha-upanishad emphasizes the identity of the human soul with the divine soul .
The later period Mahayana Sutra Lankavatara-sutra is similar with the ancient India philosophical classics Upanad .
The Upanishads have said that all things are created and sustained by an infinite joy .
As literary remnants of the ancient past , the upanishads-both lucid and elegant-have great literary value .
The gist of Buddhism is to Pure Precepts , which is the origin of one 's motivation .
where they then have profound epiphanies and revelations that they then bring back to the rest of the community .
Sentiment in simplicity , profound thought behind nature & A comparative study of nature poems by Longfellow and Meng Hao ran
Today when modern man reads these verses , he understands their meaning owing to the level modern scientific research has reached .
He ever studied carefully Indian " Upanishads ", and admitted that it is one of the three sources of his philosophy .
The Kena-upanishad discusses the qualities of the divine essence ( Brahman ) and the relationship of the gods to the divine essence .
D. : When the Upanishads say that all is Brahman , how can we agree with Shankara that this world is illusory ?
The term bhakti , in the sense of devotion to a personal god , appears in the Bhagavadgita and the Svetasvatara Upanishad .
Works of law cannot save or liberate , according to passages from the New Testament , the Upanishads , and the Buddhist scriptures .
Geyi was a kind of way to use the concepts and terms of Chinese philosophy to interpret the profound meaning of the Buddhist Scripture .
The terminus ad quem of the Vedic period is marked by the composition of the Upanishads , which form the concluding part of the Vedic corpus in the traditional compilations .
The upanishads , somewhat later writings usually called Vedanta that is , the end of the veda , are more philosophic in character and contain the central theoretical ideas of hinduism .
There is an excerpt from " Book of the Twelve Powers " that might help to explain what it means , but no one has ever been able to solve Mazzerin 's Mystery .
As one line from the Upanishads suggests : " People follow different paths , straight or crooked , according to their temperament , depending on which they consider best , or most appropriate - and all reach You , just as rivers enter the ocean . "
Those red-robed monks practicing ritual debating - on the nature of reality , no less - at the Drepung monastery in Lhasa are in fact doing so at the behest of their rulers in faraway Beijing , happy to encourage old customs so long as those will bring in dollars .