
  • 网络Olduvai Gorge
  1. 来自大洋洲、亚洲、非洲和美国本土的世界一流艺术作品独木舟、雕刻、面具和纺织品——还有考古学史上最重要的发现,从路易斯李基在奥杜威峡谷发现的早期石器*到从罗马时期到中世纪的英国考古发现应有尽有。

    You can see in it world-class collections of Oceanic , Asian , African and native American art — canoes , sculptures , masks , and textiles — and major archaeological discoveries , ranging from the earliest stone tools , discovered by Louis Leakey in Olduvai Gorge7 , to British finds from Roman and medieval periods .

  2. 最古老的石制工具是在东非的奥杜威峡谷发现的石斧。

    The oldest stone tools are choppers from the Olduvai Gorge in East Africa .