
  • 网络Vinda;VIDA;VIDAR;Darth Vader;Vader
  1. 2007年,四特酒、维达纸业两个大集团公司就用了我们剪纸礼品,一个公司就是十几万的定单。

    In2007 , four special wine , Vinda Paper Group on the use of two large paper-cut of our gifts , a company that is more than a million orders .

  2. 这份调查是由中国卫生用纸行业领导者维达、中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所、大型电商公司京东以及知名在线育儿社区宝宝树联合发布的。

    The research was jointly conducted by Vinda , a leading toilet paper company in China ; the Institute of Population and Labor Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ; JD.com , a major e-commerce company ; and Babytree.com , a popular online parenting community .

  3. 维达没什么明显的弱点,但帕里斯特认为在OT任何人也不能自满&竞争先发位置充满艰辛,一直如此。

    Vida may not have any obvious weaknesses , but Pallister stresses players at Old Trafford can never afford to become complacent – the battle for starting berths is as fierce as it has ever been .

  4. 卡普里酒店(维达多区,N街与O街之间,与21街交界处,nh-hotels.com/hotel/nh-capri-la-habana),位于哈瓦那中心地带的现代化高层建筑,附近是深受欢迎的餐厅、夜总会及文化景点,距著名的古巴国际酒店仅一个街区。

    Hotel Capri ( Calle 21 between calle N and O , Vedado , nh-hotels . com / hotel / nh-capri-la-habana ) , a modern high-rise in the heart of central Havana , offers easy access to popular restaurants , nightclubs and cultural sights , including the famous Hotel Nacional , a block away .

  5. 费雪把莱娅公主塑造成了一个完全能够应对自己痛苦的姑娘,不管是在打败可怕的达斯•维达(DarthVader)的邪恶行为,还是在压制恣意妄为的走私犯汉•索罗(HanSolo)的爱意时。

    Fisher established Princess Leia as a damsel who could very much deal with her own distress , whether facing down the villainy of the dreaded Darth Vader or the romantic interests of the roguish smuggler Han Solo .

  6. AmmarAlly制造记忆:维达德•扎曼和当时三岁的女儿哈妮法。来自佛罗里达州奥兰多、合作写过记忆研究报告的维达德·扎曼(WidaadZaman)说,早期记忆对她四岁的女儿哈妮法(Haneefah)建立身份认同感有帮助。

    Widaad Zaman , a co-author of studies on memory , says early memories help her 4-year-old daughter Haneefah build a sense of identity .

  7. 充满活力的白色布景,等待吹风机吹干头发时可以用苹果(ipods)和护目镜来浏览一些流行佳作有了这些,mizu将会比维达沙宣沙龙连锁更加现代化。

    With crisp white interiors , iPods and goggles for screening blockbusters during blow-dries , Mizu will be a more contemporary realm than the Vidal Sassoon salon chain .

  8. 餐厅推荐CaféLaurent(哈瓦那维达多区19街与21街之间,M街257号,cafelaurent.ueuo.com)是一家有格调的顶楼餐厅,家庭自营,因其顶楼的风景和西班牙菜而受到好评。

    Where to Eat Caf é Laurent ( Calle M No. 257 , between 19 and 21 , Vedado , Havana , cafelaurent . ueuo . com ) is a stylish family-run paladar popular for its penthouse views and Spanish-themed menu .

  9. 舰长,维达大人要知道追击现况。

    Captain , Lord Vader demands an update on the pursuit .

  10. 你说维达背叛并谋杀了我的父亲。

    You told me Vader betrayed and murdered my father .

  11. 维达大人,那莉亚和人猿怎么办?

    Lord vader , what about Leia and the wookiee ?

  12. 维达,她是能讲理的。

    You see Lord vader , she can be reasonable .

  13. 维达上尉在办公室等你。

    Captain Vidal is waiting for you in his office .

  14. 过去维达总是认为,雷米埃是一个戴眼镜的身材瘦削的人。

    Vida had once beheld Raymie as a thin man with spectacles .

  15. 他成为黑暗维达,而不再是天行者。安纳金。

    He ceased to be Anakin skywalker , and became Darth vader .

  16. 我们最好把情况汇报给维达大人!

    We 'd better report back to Lord vader !

  17. 你看到维达被杀吗?

    Were you watching Vida when she got killed ?

  18. 他是蓝眼睛金色胡子的雅利安人有一头维达?

    He was a blue-Eyed aryan with a golden beard

  19. 我们不敢维达大人!我们有可能会集中您的战机!

    We don 't dare , Lord vader ! We might hit your ship !

  20. 报告维达勋爵,我们抓到了一个囚犯。

    Inform Lord Vader we have a prisoner .

  21. 这就是维达如此让人感兴趣的原因。

    That 's why Vader is so interesting .

  22. 维达,黑暗面的势力比较强吗?

    Vader . Is the dark side stronger ?

  23. 我就是帕萨迪纳的达斯·维达。

    I 'm the Darth Vader of Pasadena .

  24. 发挥榕树效应以高质量打造中国名牌&维达永不休止追求高品质

    Exerting the Banyan Tree Domino Effect , Creating China Famous Brand with High Quality

  25. 维达人信仰万物有灵论和修行佛教。

    The Veddahs have Animist and Buddhist practices .

  26. 维达听了很生气;卡萝尔连忙赔礼道歉;她们两人又继续谈了一钟头。

    Vida was indignant ; Carol was apologetic ; they talked for another hour .

  27. 最后一个佩戴它的人是王公布品达辛的儿子亚达维达王公。

    The last person known to wear it was his son Maharaja Yadavindra Singh .

  28. 很快我们就到了维达多区(Vedado)中心区一栋残破的砖楼下面。

    Soon we reached a dilapidated brick building in the central neighborhood of Vedado .

  29. 你必须再面对维达!

    You must face Darth Vader again !

  30. 结果维达号就沉没在美国东北方的海岸附近。

    As a result , the Whydah sank near the northeast coast of the US .