
  1. 然而,在1997年,联合国任命小熊维尼为世界友谊大使。

    However , in 1997 , the United Nations named Winnie the pooh as the word 's Ambassadorof Friendship .

  2. baristaparlor.com.6.我梦见了维尼,113South11thStreet。

    I Dream of Weenie , 113 South 11th Street .

  3. “我梦见了维尼”(IDreamofWeenie)是一家由旧大众巴士改建而成的热狗店,奇趣十足。

    Creative types mill around I Dream of Weenie , a hot-dog stand fashioned out of an old Volkswagen bus .

  4. 民意调查显示,该党仇外主义领袖兼欧洲议会议员马泰奥•萨尔维尼(MatteoSalvini)是继伦齐之后人气最高的政客。

    Opinion polls show Matteo Salvini , the party 's xenophobic leader and an MEP , is the most popular politician after Mr Renzi .

  5. 我听不懂…和维尼有关的什么事。

    I didn 't understand it ... something about Vinnie .

  6. 为什么大家都这么喜欢维尼德普?

    Why does everyone like Winnie the Pooh so much ?

  7. 《晚报》想要把维尼放上头版

    The Evening News wants to put Winnie on the front page .

  8. 所以他叫维尼他来自温尼伯,简称维尼

    It 's Winnie . Short for where he comes from . Winnipeg .

  9. 我要把我的熊命名为维尼

    I 'm going to call my bear Winnie .

  10. 亲爱的维尼:很抱歉没能帮助你。

    Dear Winnie , I am sorry that I could not help you .

  11. 当他们发现维尼是真的会怎样?

    And when they find out Winnie is real ?

  12. 维尼是睡前床边动物

    Winnie the Pooh is a creature of bedtime .

  13. 维尼会帮他完成工作。

    Vinnie was gonna finish the job for him .

  14. 那是维尼,温尼伯的简称

    that 's Winnie , short for Winnipeg .

  15. 所以维尼到动物园时,人人都盯着他

    And that 's how Winnie ended up in the zoo with everyone staring at him .

  16. 在维尼的家园英格兰的亚士顿森林里

    In England 's Ashdown Forest itself , the home of the real Winnie the Pooh .

  17. 这时有了维尼

    Then Winnie the Pooh came along

  18. 我们不能在书里叫他维尼因为那是一个女孩的名字

    We can 't call him Winnie in the book , because Winnie is a girl 's name .

  19. 这些角色都有90年的历史了,而且关于维尼和他的朋友们,包括跳跳虎和小猪的故事已经被传读了一代又一代。

    The characters are 90 years old and stories about Pooh and friends including Tigger and Piglet have been read to children from generations .

  20. 维尼披萨也提供送货上门的服务,但老板贝尔蒂奥姆更希望顾客能堂食,或者来店自取。

    Vinnie 's Pizzeria does deliver right to your doorstep but Berthiaume prefers customers enjoy his pizza in the store or come pick it up fresh .

  21. 这家名叫“维尼披萨”的店位于布鲁克林。店家在推特上披露了自己“披萨做成披萨盒”的创意之后,饥饿的披萨吃货们立刻不淡定了。

    Vinnie 's Pizzeria in Brooklyn revealed " the pizza box pizza " via Twitter and it 's been sending hungry pizza lovers into a tailspin .

  22. 这次会议被一位议员记录在册并泄露给了当地出版社,且他们对维尼的性向也颇有说辞。

    The meeting , which was recorded by one of the councillors and leaked to local press , then turned on Winnie the Pooh 's sexuality .

  23. 亲爱的维尼:昨天我有事出去了,没有看见你发给我的邮件。等我发现的时候已是第二天早上了。

    Dear Winnie , I didn 't see your letter last night because I have something to do . When I see your letter , it was very late .

  24. 他随后提名了波兰的一只虚构熊并说:“我们的这只熊从头到脚都包的严严实实的,不像维尼只穿着上衣。”

    He then suggested a Polish fictional bear , saying : ' Ours is dressed from head to toe , unlike Pooh who is only dressed from the waist up . '

  25. 她和洛根·杜利被选为美国奥运代表队蹦床项目的后备选手,而萨瓦那?维尼萨特和史蒂文·格拉斯泰恩的存在让这2位后备队员出场的可能性变得微乎其微,她们根本无法与其竞争。

    She and Logan Dooley were selected as back-ups for the U.S. Olympic team 's trampoline gymnasts , Savanah Vinsant and Steven Gluckstein , in the off chance they cannot compete .

  26. 她说:“你能想象这有多么恼人吗!这位年逾60的作家拿刀片切掉了维尼的睾丸,就因为他对自己的性向认知感到迷茫。”

    She said : ' This is very disturbing but can you imagine ! The author was over 60 and cut his [ Pooh 's ] testicles off with a razor blade because he had a problem with his identity . '