
  • Teddy;teddy bear;TACTIC
  1. 泰迪表情略带困惑地向莫娜求助。

    Teddy turned to Mona with a look of mild confusion

  2. 波莉正在玩她的泰迪熊。

    Polly was playing with her teddy bear .

  3. 机器人的外观影响其与人类成功交互的能力,这就是为什么RIKEN-TRI人机交互研究合作中心决定开发一个外表像大泰迪熊的机器人护士的原因。

    A robot 's appearance affects its ability to successfully interact with humans , which is why the RIKEN-TRI Collaboration Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research decided to develop a robotic nurse that looks like a huge teddy bear .

  4. 罗丝笑了。然后蒂姆医生给了她一只泰迪熊。

    Rose smiled.Then Doctor Tim gave her a teddy bear .

  5. 赛勒斯从一只巨大的泰迪熊内部登上舞台,唱了自己的名曲《WeCan'tStop》。

    After entering the stage from the inside of a giant teddy bear , Miley sang " We Can 't Stop , " one of her own hits .

  6. 这天你应该为单身而倍感感激,当然啦,没有送给TA一只心形泰迪熊的责任在身。

    Spend the day being thankful for being single and not feeling obliged to send someone a tacky teddy bear carrying a heart .

  7. 当他提到泰迪熊背带和开着保时捷(Porsche)的年轻人时,他并不是表示对这些现象的认可。

    When he refers to teddy bear braces and young people driving Porsches , it is not with approbation .

  8. Facebook首席执行长扎克伯格以身作则,开放了他此前不公开的资料,其中包括他本人抱着一只泰迪熊的搞笑照片。

    Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg led by example , opening up his previously closed profile , including goofy photos of himself curled up with a teddy bear .

  9. 听着,泰迪,这不是关于PJ。这全是关于你。

    Look , Teddy , this isn 't about P.J.This is about you .

  10. 她说,她看着Jasper观察泰迪熊就好像看到了一个小孩交了新朋友一样。

    She said that watching Jasper examine the teddy bear was like watching a toddler meet a new friend .

  11. 服务包括修剪背后的毛发,梳成HelloKitty和泰迪熊的形状,还有一种被沙龙称之为“剑龙脊”的造型。

    Those include trimming the back fur of pets into the shape of Hello Kitty , a teddy bear and something the salon calls " Stegosaurus spine . "

  12. Betsy说:我为了好玩,把这只泰迪熊放在家门口,想看看Jasper会有什么反应。

    Betsy said : ' I put the teddy bear outside my home for fun and to see what Jasper would do .

  13. 实际上,正是这股强大的势力促使一个世纪前伟大的共和党总统&泰迪罗斯福(TeddyRoosevelt)着手处理这一难题。

    In fact , it 's exactly this kind of vast power that led a great Republican President – Teddy Roosevelt – to tackle this issue a century ago .

  14. 我想,我想谢谢我的孩子,PJ,泰迪,盖比,查莉,

    I want to -- I want to thank my kids p. J. , teddy , gabe , charlie ,

  15. 好了,冠军将获得价值五百元的购物礼卷,获奖的是泰迪与斯凯勒和PJ感应乐队!

    All right , and the winner of the $ 500 shopping spree is Teddy and Skyler plus P.J.And the vibe !

  16. 从诞节前好几个星期开始,由于来自己这个位于澳大利亚偏远角落的薰衣草农场购买泰迪熊的人太多,罗伯特·拉文斯(RobertRavens)不得不实行每人只能购买一只的限制。

    Starting weeks before Christmas , Robert Ravens had to ration sales of teddy bears to people visiting his lavender farm in this remote corner of Australia to one per customer .

  17. 一个成年人走到哪里都带着泰迪熊的例子,我只能想到一个,那就是《故园风雨后》(BridesheadRevisited)中的塞巴斯蒂安弗莱特勋爵(LordSebastianFlyte)。

    The only example I can think of where a grown-up goes around with a teddy bear is Lord Sebastian Flyte in Brideshead Revisited .

  18. Jasper和泰迪熊至少在一起待了几分钟&我觉得Jasper看起来绝对像是亲了泰迪熊一下。

    Jasper stayed with the bear for at least a couple of minutes - and I definitely think it looked like Jasper gave the teddy bear a kiss .

  19. 我想让旅客一想起TSA,想到的是一些正面的东西,而不是拍身搜查95岁的老奶奶或夺走小孩子的泰迪熊,皮斯托尔说。

    ' I want passengers , when they think of TSA , to think of something positive instead of patting down 95-year-old grannies or taking teddy bears away from children , ' said Mr. Pistole .

  20. 劳拉•豪沙尔特(LauraHaushalter)的短毛猎狗布赖尔(Briar)帮她措置惩罚掉了前男朋友送的泰迪熊,这个泰迪熊可以播放前男朋友录下来的“我爱你”的话。

    Laura Haushalter got her short-haired pointer , Briar , to help her dispose of a teddy bear that played a recording of her ex-boyfriend saying , 'I love you .

  21. 这个温馨的动作被55岁的摄影师BetsySeeton抓拍下来,而这只泰迪熊就是她放到屋外给松鼠玩的。

    The heart-warming pose was captured by photographer Betsy Seeton , 55 , who had put the teddy outside her home for the squirrel to play with .

  22. Betsy说:“我为了好玩,把这只泰迪熊放在家门口,想看看Jasper会有什么反应。Jasper和泰迪熊至少在一起待了几分钟——我觉得Jasper看起来绝对像是亲了泰迪熊一下。”

    Betsy said : ' I put the teddy bear outside my home for fun and to see what Jasper would do . Jasper stayed with the bear for at least a couple of minutes - and I definitely think it looked like Jasper gave the teddy bear a kiss .

  23. 我有泰迪熊,小狗,积木和娃娃。

    I have teddy bears , puppies , blocks and dolls .

  24. 创作你自己的泰迪熊是美国全国各地购物场所的重要元素。

    The create-your-own-teddy bears are staples of malls across the country .

  25. 我就是看到那个人在泰迪门口的。

    That 's the guy I saw at teddy 's door .

  26. 弟兄们,你们没听明白泰迪的话。

    Lads , you 're not hearing what teddy 's saying .

  27. 蒂姆继续一次又一次地领导泰迪汽车销售。

    Tim went on to lead tidy car again and again .

  28. 但是你,我和泰迪,我们不干了

    but you and me and Teddy , we 're out .

  29. 泰迪熊和离奇有趣的玩具在整个房屋内随处可见。

    Teddy bears and quaint toys appear all over the house .

  30. 现在我30了,仍然留着我小时候最喜欢的毯子和泰迪熊!

    I'm30 and still have my blanket and teddy from childhood !