
  • 网络tamil;Thamel;Tamir
  1. 斯里兰卡军方表示,不认为该国分裂主义叛乱运动泰米尔猛虎组织(TamilTigers)参与了此事。

    The Sri Lankan military said it did not believe the Tamil Tigers , the island 's separatist rebel movement , were involved .

  2. 她也表示,印度可以帮助斯里兰卡在击败泰米尔(Tamil)叛军之后进行政治和解,所有斯里兰卡人都应享有过上美好生活的同样的希望和机遇。

    She also said India can help Sri Lanka with its political reconciliation following the defeat of Tamil rebels , and that all Sri Lankans deserve the same hope and opportunities for a better future .

  3. 事实上,这是泰米尔号最后的一次旅程。

    It 's in fact taking the Temeraire on its last journey .

  4. 它显示的是伦敦附近的泰晤士河上一艘古老的帆船——泰米尔号。

    It shows the old sailing ship , the Temeraire , on the River Thames near London .

  5. 毕竟,斯里兰卡的坦米尔人分裂者,泰米尔猛虎组织(LTTE),是一个大的恐怖主义和暗杀的狂热者。

    After all , the Tamil rebels in Sri Lanka , the LTTE , were big fans of terrorism and assassination .

  6. 苦力一词来源于印度南部泰米尔(Tamil)语,指以体力负重为生的人,传到中国因音义相通,已成为通用汉语。

    The word " coolie " originated from Tamil ( language used in southern India ) . It refers to those who live on heavy labor . When it was introduced to China , it was absorbed by Mandarin for it had similar sound and meaning with Chinese words .

  7. 印度人占7.9%,是第三大少数民族,包括若干民族&形成最大的印度人群泰米尔人,其他诸如马来人、Punjabis和孟加拉人。

    Indians are the third largest ethnic group at7.9 % , consisting of several groups-Tamils , who form the largest Indian group , and others such as Malayalees , Punjabis and Bengalis .

  8. 岛上的泰米尔人起源尚不清楚。

    The origins of Tamil presence on the island are unclear .

  9. 若干位僧伽罗国王因击退泰米尔人入侵而留名。

    Several Sinhala kings are noted for driving back the Tamil invasions .

  10. 从历史上和政治上看斯里兰卡的僧伽罗人-泰米尔人冲突

    Historical and Political Analysis of Sinhalese-Tamil Conflict in Sri Lanka

  11. 大多数僧伽罗人是佛教徒;大多数泰米尔人是印度教徒。

    Most Sinhalese are Buddhist ; most Tamils are Hindu .

  12. 秘密的进行针对泰米尔猛虎的行动。

    Backdoor a mission to intervene against the Tamil tigers .

  13. 纳纳亚卡拉说,至少有一架泰米尔猛虎游击队的飞机攻击了科伦坡。

    Nanayakkara said at least one suspected Tamil Tiger aircraft attacked Colombo .

  14. 这些人是1995年从一个叫做贾夫纳的泰米尔小镇出来的。

    They were driven from one big Tamil town , Jaffna , in1995 .

  15. 居住在西伯利亚泰米尔半岛的撒摩耶人的一支。

    A member of the Samoyedic people living on the Taimyr peninsula in Siberia .

  16. 斯里兰卡政府跟泰米尔-伊拉姆猛虎解放组织相互指责对方故意袭击平民。

    The government and the LTTE traded accusations the other was deliberately targeting civilians .

  17. 斯里兰卡政府军和泰米尔猛虎反政府武装之间的冲突始于1972年,在这期间有数万人死亡。

    Tens of thousands of people died in the conflict , which began in 1972 .

  18. 斯里兰卡泰米尔跨境民族问题与印斯关系是跨境民族问题与国际关系互动的典型案例。

    Tamil ethnic group problem is a typical example for interactions between transnational ethnics and interstates relations .

  19. 很少僧伽罗人和泰米尔人是基督教徒,大多数是罗马天主教徒。

    Sizable minorities of both Sinhalese and Tamils are Christians , most of whom are Roman Catholic .

  20. 斯里兰卡政府曾经宣称泰米尔猛虎已经无法再展开空中攻击了。

    Sri Lanka 's government has claimed that the rebels are no longer capable of launching air attacks .

  21. 斯里兰卡的内战于2009年结束。在政府军与泰米尔叛军猛虎组织最后一场战斗中,据指称有数以千计的人被打死。

    Thousands of people allegedly were killed during this final battle between the government and Tamil Tiger rebels .

  22. 用少数民族的方式,这些泰米尔人投身商业,斯里兰卡的穆斯林也是如此。

    In the way of ambitious minorities , these Tamils thrive in business , as do Sri Lanka 's Muslims .

  23. 强硬的统治,他们认为,甚至将把温和的泰米尔人也赶至他们的麾下,从而有助于他们的事业。

    Hardline governments , they reckon , end up helping their cause by driving even moderate Tamils into their clutches .

  24. 海上客运因斯里兰卡长期以来与泰米尔猛虎组织的持久战斗而暂停。两年前,泰米尔猛虎组织被击败,斯里兰卡内战宣布结束。

    Ferries were suspended during Sri Lanka 's long-running battle against Tamil Tiger rebels , which ended two years ago .

  25. 斯里兰卡军方说,泰米尔猛虎反政府组织星期五晚些时候在首都科伦坡展开了空中轰炸。

    Sri Lankan military officials say Tamil rebels carried out an aerial bombing raid in the capital of Colombo late Friday .

  26. 今日随着政府军对抗泰米尔猛虎组织的战斗已接近尾声这一消息的传播,科伦坡瞬间涌现了众多庆祝活动。

    Celebrations irrupted in Colombo today as words spread that the war against the Tamil Tigers is almost at an end .

  27. 正如一位独立的泰米尔分析人士指出的,政府当前的主要成就是取得了对猛虎组织军事行动的胜利。

    As one independent Tamil analyst put it , the ruling regime 's main achievement has been to win the war .

  28. 斯里兰卡政府说,即将退出和泰米尔反政府武装之间的停火协议,因为这份协议没有意义。

    The government of Sri Lanka says it is withdrawing from a cease-fire agreement with Tamil rebels because the pact has become meaningless .

  29. 四个月前,艾尔德曾提到卷入冲突的泰米尔儿童蒙受“难以想像的地狱般”的处境。

    Four months ago Elder spoke about what he called the " unimaginable hell " suffered by Tamil children caught in the conflict .

  30. 斯里兰卡总统承诺要在今年年底之前重新安置大多数流离失所的泰米尔人,联合国秘书长潘基文对此表示欢迎。上传:韩萱。

    The Secretary General is welcoming the president 's promise to resettle most of the displaced Tamils by the end of the year .