
  • 网络veronica;Veronique
  1. 而朗和维罗尼卡在圣迭戈没呆很长时间。

    And Ron and Veronica didn 't stay in San Diego long .

  2. 你不能相信维罗尼卡――我早就知道她的为人。

    You can 't trust Veronica ― I know her of old .

  3. 晚上好,圣迭戈,我是维罗尼卡。考宁斯通。

    Good evening , San diego . I 'm Veronica corningstone .

  4. 我是主播维罗尼卡。考宁斯通。

    I 'm lead anchor Veronica corningstone .

  5. 好吧,我一直试图回避“刻薄”这个词,因为我觉得维罗尼卡这个角色够不上“刻薄”,只能说她是比较不善于察觉别人的感受。

    Well , I 'm trying to avoid the word " bitchy " because I think Veronica is more insensitive than she is bitchy .

  6. 耶稣面像根据流行的传说,印在圣女维罗尼卡在耶稣去往骷髅地的路上递给他的手巾上的耶稣面像。

    According to popular legend , an image of the face of Jesus as impressed on the handkerchief offered to him by Saint Veronica on the road to calvary .

  7. 这出“肥皂剧”一时间传遍意大利全国,人们众说纷纭,有的评论维罗尼卡的做法,有人则猜测70岁的贝卢斯科尼是否会向比他小20岁的妻子妥协。

    The soap-opera enthralled the country , with Italians sounding off on whether they agreed with Veronica & and whether they thought Berlusconi , 70 , would submit to his wife , 20 years his junior .

  8. 维罗尼卡•佩勒格林:“我收到了邮件,信上说,你被解雇了,学校不再需要你的服务了&这十分令人沮丧,至少令人感到挫败。”

    VERONICA PELLEGRIN : " Getting the letter and seeing [ you ] will no longer be employed , your services will no longer be required & it is very disheartening , to say the least , and frustrating . "