
  1. 爸爸,我不能对你说谎。

    Father , I cannot lie to you .

  2. 有了朱迪(Videojug特聘的肢体语言学专家)的指导,你会发现,从来没有像现在这样,可以轻而易举地判断出别人是否在对你说谎!

    With advice from our body language expert Judi James , never before has been so easy to see if someone is lying to you !

  3. 马丁威尔斯:我没有对你说谎。

    Martin wells : I 'm not lying to you .

  4. 您不会像其他人会对你说谎,对不对?

    You don 't like other people lying to you , right ?

  5. 前几天他对你说谎了.是吗?

    He lied to you the other day , didn ´ t he ?

  6. 我干嘛对你说谎?你得面对现实!

    Why would I lie to you ? You must accept the truth !

  7. 你知道作为一个古人,我不会对你说谎。

    You know that as an ancient I wouldn 't lie to you .

  8. 我绝对不会对你说谎

    And the last thing l 'd ever do is lie to you .

  9. 对不起。我也怪自己竟然对你说谎。

    I 'm sorry . I should have kicked myself for lying to you .

  10. 我很后悔我对你说谎。

    I lied , and I regret that .

  11. 这是我唯一一次对你说谎&咸味咖啡。

    This was the only lie I said to you & the salty coffee .

  12. 对不起我对你说谎了

    I 'm sorry I lied to you .

  13. 人们整天都对你说谎。

    People lie to you all day long .

  14. 我从未对你说谎,而你对我却是谎话连篇

    I never lied to you , and all you ever did was lie to me .

  15. 在这里我写的一切都是真实的我不能对你说谎,也不能对上帝说谎。

    Everything that I write here is trueI cannot lie to you , or to God .

  16. 我不能再一边坐在这个只招待朋友的椅子上一边对你说谎了

    I can 't sit in a chair reserved for friends and lie to your face anymore .

  17. 在这里我写的一切都是真实的——我不能对你说谎,也不能对上帝说谎。

    Everything that I write here is true - I cannot lie to you , or to God .

  18. 只要我想要尝试,我将永不言弃,我会对你说谎吗?

    If I try , never give it up , if I try , would I lie to you ?

  19. 我可以对你说谎,如果你想,说我们也对她们的思想感兴趣。

    I could lie to you if you want and say we are interested in their brains as well .

  20. 我不想对你说谎,但是我不得不告诉你他的智力有限。

    I don 't want to lie to you , but I have to say that his intelligence is limited .

  21. 马克:我也不想对你说谎,京晶,差不多也就刚起了个头。

    Mark : I don 't want to lie to you , Jingjing . I really haven 't made much of a start .

  22. 但当人的眼球转向右上方时,是在激发大脑的想象力,那么他很可能要对你说谎。

    But when their eyes roll up to the right , they are stimulating imagination , and are probably going to lie to you .

  23. 因此,可是理解的是,没有什么比下面的事更让你恼羞成怒了:比如有人对你说谎而又不允许你刨根问底,或是他们明知道已经来不及了却又拒绝走捷径。

    So , understandably , nothing makes you crazier than someone who just won 't cut to the chase when they 're telling a story or refuses to take a shortcut when they know they 're running late .

  24. 我以为你已经克服了对你母亲说谎的毛病了。

    I think you have rise above lying to your mother .

  25. 对你的父母说谎是不好的。

    It is bad to lie to your parents .

  26. 永远不要对你的竞争对手说谎,也不要对你的敌人幸灾乐祸。

    Never lie about your competitors , and never exult in your rival 's bad news .

  27. 这个没有秘密可言的新世界也有令人快乐的理由:对你自己的事说谎会变得难上加难。

    In this new world-without-secrets there will be grounds for cheer . It will be much harder to lie about yourself .