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  1. 结果MRI对宫旁浸润判断的准确度为94%,特异度为96%,敏感度为90%。

    Results The accuracy , specificity , and sensitivity of parametrial invasion were 94 % , 96 % and 90 % , respectively .

  2. 对宫型IUD放置器性能的多中心临床评价

    A Multi - center Randomized Comparative Clinical Trial on Evaluation the Performances of Uterine Shaped IUD Inserters

  3. 目的:研究三种不同含铜表面积的铜宫内节育器(CuIUD)对宫腔底部和宫颈部Cu2+浓度的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of three different copper surface of Cu-IUD on Cu 2 + concentrations in uterine fundus and cervix .

  4. 目的评价子宫声学造影(Sonohysterography,SHG)对宫腔病变的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of sonohysterography ( SHG ) in uterine cavity diseases .

  5. 结果MR在判断宫颈癌发生部位的准确性为100%,判断宫旁浸润的准确性为92.31%,判断宫颈癌分期总的准确性为96.67%,对宫旁浸润的特异性和敏感性分别为97.87%和92.31%。

    Results The accuracy of MR imaging in determination of tumor location was 100 % , invasion the parauterine tissue was 92.31 % . The specificity and sensitivity for parauterine extension were 97.87 % and 92.31 % , respectively . The total accuracy of MR imaging staging was 96.67 % .

  6. 目的了解NorplantⅠ型和NorplantⅡ型皮下埋植剂对宫体大小和卵巢排卵的影响。

    Objective To understand the influence of Norplant Type ⅰ contraceptives and Norplant Type ⅱ contraceptives to size of uterus and ovulation of ovary .

  7. CDFI对宫角妊娠的血流检出率为84.6%,以混合型者血流信号检出率最高,达到100%(88)。

    The detection rate of blood flow signal of it on CDFI was 84.6 % with RI from 0.4 to 0.46 which was the highest for the mixed type ( up to 100 % ) .

  8. 三种新型CuIUD对宫底及宫颈部Cu~(2+)浓度的影响

    Effect of three kinds of CuIUD to Cu ~ ( 2 + ) concentration from uterus fundus and cervix

  9. 二维和彩色多普勒超声对宫角妊娠的诊断

    Diagnosis of Pregnancy of Corner Uteri with 2-Dimension and Color Doppler Ultrasound

  10. 经阴道三维超声对宫腔病变的鉴别诊断

    Differential diagnosis of three-dimensional transvaginal sonography in uterine cavity disease

  11. 对宫体诗主体性相对失落的文化考察

    The Literature Research on the Relative Fallen Subjective Feature of Palace Poem

  12. 超声对宫角妊娠的诊断及治疗意义

    The value of treatment and diagnosis of B-ultrasonic for 17 cases angular pregnancy

  13. 结论双氧水声学造影对宫腔内病变的诊断有较高的应用价值。

    Conclusin H_2O_2 acoustic contrast has higher value in diagnosis uterine cavity disease .

  14. 注入活动精子数对宫腔内人工授精妊娠率的影响

    Effect of the amount of motile sperm inseminated on pregnancy rate of intrauterine insemination

  15. 目的评价宫腔声学造影对宫腔内疾病的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of ultrasonographic hysterography for uterine cavity disease .

  16. 插管深度和注入精液量对宫腔内人工授精妊娠率的影响

    Effects of Catheter Depth and Infused Semen Volume on the Pregnancy of Intrauterine Insemination

  17. 授精时机、活动精子总数对宫腔内人工授精临床妊娠率影响的研究

    Effect of different time of insemination and number of motile sperm on IUI pregnancy rate

  18. 目的探讨超声对宫角妊娠与间质部妊娠诊断价值。

    Objective To study the diagnostic value of cornual pregnancy and tubal pregnancy with ultrasound .

  19. 导论对宫体诗与歌诗相关方面的研究成果进行梳理,为本文的研究确立方向。

    Introduction arranges the research of Palace Poetry and song-poem , establish the research direction of this paper .

  20. 结果超声检查能在孕8周前对宫角妊娠作出明确诊断。

    Results Ultrasonography could confirm the diagnosis of intrauterine horn pregnancy before the 8 th week of pregnancy .

  21. 本文对宫腔内应用复方止血消炎药(简称宫腔用药)进行了药效学和毒理学的实验研究。

    The pharmacodynamics and toxicology of a compound hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent used in uterine cavity was studied .

  22. 目的评价经阴道超声与宫腔注液造影对宫腔内病变的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of transvaginal hystersonography ( TVHS ) in differential diagnosis of uterine cavity lesions .

  23. 由于现在有四个行星位于你的对宫,你对于伙伴(伴侣)关系和友谊的关注将比平时更强。

    Because four planets now oppose your sign , your focus on partnerships and close friendships will be stronger than usual .

  24. 目的采用阴道超声和宫腔镜检查对宫腔内占位性病变进行诊断,探讨两者的诊断价值。

    Objective To diagnose the intrauterine occupational disease by vaginal ultrasonography or hysteroscopy , and to evaluate the diagnostic values of these two methods .

  25. 结论稽留流产清宫术后服用短效避孕药“优思明”对宫腔粘连有较好的预防作用,值得临床上广泛应用。

    Conclusion Qing missed abortion were treated with short-acting contraceptives ," Yasmin " to better prevention of intrauterine adhesions role , it is widely used clinically .

  26. 第三章分析歌诗表演对宫体诗的题材内容、艺术特点、语言形式等方面产生了怎样的影响。

    Chapters Three analysis the influence of song-poem performance over Palace Poetry in the material and the characteristics , artistic characteristic and linguistic forms and so on .

  27. 彩色多普勒血流显像结合血β-HCG对宫角及间质部妊娠的诊断价值宫内妊娠误诊为异位妊娠的原因及对策

    Diagnostic value of color Doppler ultrasound combined with β - HCG level detection in cornual pregnancy and interstitial pregnancy Intrauterine pregnancy misdiagnosed as ectopic pregnancy : causes and countermeasures

  28. 结论宫腔镜检查只有结合B超并与定位组织活检、诊刮相结合,才能提高对宫腔内疾病诊断的准确性。

    Conclusion The hysteroscopy must combined with B ultrasonic , tissue pathological examination of localizational endometrial biopsy or endometrial curettage to improve the accuracy of diagnosis of endometrial disease .

  29. 方法:2004年6月 ̄2005年6月我院利用阴道镜对宫镜颈变进行检查,以组织学为金标准进行结果分析。

    Methods : The patients with cervical diseases from June 2004 to June 2005 in our hospital were inspected by vaginoscope , the histological results were analysed by the gold standard .

  30. 彩色多普勒显像对宫旁早期异位妊娠及妊娠黄体鉴别诊断的价值

    Value of color Doppler imaging in differentiation of parauterine prophase ectopic pregnancy and pregnant corpus luteum Ultrasonic features and differential diagnosis of cornual pregnancy and interstitial tubal pregnancy using transvaginal sonography in early trimester