
  • 网络Contrast Effect
  1. 对比效果同样会对用户体验产生不利的影响。

    Contrast effects can also be detrimental for the user experience .

  2. 伦勃朗一直追求这种强烈的明暗对比效果,将明暗对比推向极致。

    Rembrandt was seeking this kind of intense light and shade contrast effect , will light and shade contrast to acme .

  3. 反之,如果以相同数量的LED来设计标志,则可大幅提升亮度,改善易读性和对比效果。

    Alternatively , signs can be designed with the same number of LEDs , providing substantially higher brightness levels for better readability and contrast .

  4. 结论:FAC对比效果随浓度和脉冲序列的改变而改变。

    Conclusion : The contrast pattern of FAC in different concentrations will change in accordance with different MR fast sequences .

  5. 这图案中黑与金黄两种颜色对比效果很好。

    The black and the gold contrast prettily in that design .

  6. 物质形式结构:对比效果与和谐的深度

    Structure of Substantial Form : The Depth of Comparative Effect and Harmony

  7. 当需要营造对比效果时,小心地使用两种字体将是更好的选择。

    Two fonts are a better choice , when used carefully for contrast .

  8. 这就同柔和的墙壁和灰白色的棉布窗帘产生了一种强烈的对比效果。

    It creates a strong contrast with the neutral walls and plain muslin curtains .

  9. 观察证明,干扰电流输出方式,对比效果无统计学意义。

    The study proved that the output type of interference current hadn 't statistic significance in the result .

  10. 在礼服结构设计中,利用臀部的夸张可以增加胸腰差的对比效果,而裙撑作为支撑。

    While as a support , the crinoline is a must to expand the outline of the dress .

  11. 对利用以上的设计理论及方法生产加工出的两台潜水搅拌器进行试验,对比效果是否能够满足要求;

    Based on the above theory and method , we product blenders and experiment them , contrast the result .

  12. 可被用在粗棉布、羊毛、聚酯、莱卡、棉花、羊绒、亮片、玻璃珠和花边等材质上。对比效果图

    It can be used on denim , wool , polyester , Lycra , cotton , cashmere , sequins , beading and lace .

  13. 我又添加一些虚构的阴影带来了一些更加漂亮的对比效果,不需要使图片生辉太多。

    I then added in a lot of fake shadows to bring up a nicer contrast where I wanted , without brightening the image too much .

  14. 壁挂既非地毯也非挂毯,它融合了木质温暖而丰富的质地和坚硬材料的粗犷及有对比效果的纹理。

    The wall hangings are neither carpets nor tapestries , they combine the warm , rich texture of wool with the rougher , contrasting texture of harder materials .

  15. 混凝作用和投加方法以及与硫酸亚铁混凝剂在生产运行中的对比效果。

    This article details its method of preparation , its function in coagulation , its method of addition , as well as its effect in comparison with ordinary ferrous sulphate treatment .

  16. 同时结合最小误差法对直方图进行分割,获取传统直方图分割与小波系数直方图分割的对比效果图像。

    At the same time , segments the histogram combined with the smallest error means , accesses the comparison effects graph of the traditional histogram segmentation and wavelet coefficient histogram segmentation of the image .

  17. 对比效果表明:选择不同的阈值对于信号去噪效果的影响存在着差别,采用适当阈值方案可以显著提高信噪比,恢复被噪声干扰的原始信号。

    The comparison of their results showed that different kinds of threshold produce different effect on signal denoising , and adopt appropriate threshold can outstandingly increase signal-noise - ratio ( SNR ) that recover raw signal from interference noise .

  18. 视觉艺术主要藉助线条或动作进行形象创造,其曲与直、刚与柔的对比效果,大大拓展了艺术物质形式的表现力,并提供了加大艺术结构张力或深度的可能。

    Creation of images in visual arts is mainly with the help of lines or motions . The contrastive effect between crook and straightness , firmness and flexibility greatly expands the artistic performance of the material form , and provides increased structural tension or depth of the arts .

  19. 传统隐喻观认为,隐喻是一种语言现象,即一种为了达到文学作品中的对比效果而采用的修辞手段。而现代隐喻观认为,隐喻是一种思维方式。

    In contrast with the traditional view , which considers metaphor as a matter of language , that is , as a rhetoric or poetic device employed to achieve the effect of comparison in literary works , the contemporary theory of metaphor regards it as a matter of thought .

  20. 肝脏肿瘤手推团注动态MR增强扫描方法及2种对比剂效果比较

    Multi-phase Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Scan of Hand-push Bolus for Hepatic Tumor and Two Different Contrast Agents of Effectiveness

  21. 设计了一个人机情感交互的程序,通过ASR机器人来验证人脸表情识别,在不同的人脸表情库上对比识别效果。

    We design a program of human-computer emotional interaction . It is verified through the ASR robot in different facial expression databases .

  22. 介绍檩条设计及专家系统概况,结合工程实际,用Visualbasic完成冷弯型钢实腹式檩条设计专家系统的实现,给出了程序流程图,结合数据对比,效果良好。

    This paper introduces the concept of purline designing and expert system . On the basis of engineering practice , the cold formed steel ( full-web type ) purline expert system is implemented with visual basic . The paper gives the now chart of the program .

  23. 背景及色彩培训对比色效果的影响

    Effects of different color background and color training in color matching

  24. 就仿真结果和理想理论进行了对比,效果良好,说明这一仿真原理正确可靠。

    The results of simulation indicate that this proposed principle is valid and reliable .

  25. 色彩的蒙太奇效果则是基于画面色彩的连续对比的效果而进行的镜头叙事。

    Color montage effect is based on a continuous screen color contrast effects for narrative scenes .

  26. 本文利用遗传算法对野外数据进行了反演,与线性反演结果对比,效果得到明显提高。

    The inversion result by GA is much better than the re-cult reached by linear inversion method .

  27. 同期在疟疾高发区采取以溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐防制蚊媒为主的综合措施对比其效果。

    While in high-epidemic area , comprehensive measures based on soaking mosquito nets by deltamethrin were used .

  28. 根据采集得到数据的特点,采用剔预处理和各种数字滤波算法,并对比滤波效果。

    The paper analyzes the specialty of data , uses pretreatment and digital filtering algorithms , and compares filtering effects .

  29. 第一次使用调色液时可以使用一张相同的照片放入预备调色盘中和调色的照片对比调色效果。

    When first using Selenium toner have an identical print as a reference in the holding tray of plain water .

  30. 本文从结构设计的角度分析和讨论了泵的运转可靠性问题,提出了改进的方法,并在实践中取得了较佳的对比使用效果。

    This paper analyses and discusses the operation reliability of the process pumps in terms of its structural design , and some countermeasures are recommended .