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shī cǎo
  • yarrow;milfoil
蓍草 [shī cǎo]
  • [yarrow] 别名一枝蒿、锯草。为菊科植物蓍( Achillea alpina L. )的全草。分布东北、华北及陕西、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、江西等地。苦、辛、微温,有小毒。活血,祛风,定痛,解毒

  1. 田野里和荒地上会疯长蓍草。

    Yarrow can be found growing wild in fields and on waste ground .

  2. 杜松丛、薰衣草、亮黄色的蓍草以及金雀花环绕着一个重蚁木露天平台。

    Juniper bushes , lavender , bright yellow yarrow and Scotch broom frame an ipe-wood deck .

  3. 在其中一具遗体上,研究人员探测出一种化合物,这种化合物也出现在洋甘菊和蓍草等草药内。

    And in one individual , they detected compounds found in the medicinal herbs chamomile and yarrow .

  4. 这些结果表明基因组加倍改变了欧蓍草的特征从而使它适应一个新的环境。

    These results suggest that genome duplication transforms features of A.borealis in a manner that confers adaptation to a novel environment .

  5. 目的建立特色蒙药材牛胆粉、蓍草、酸梨的薄层鉴别标准。

    Objective To establish an identifying standard for Fel Bovis , Fel Caprae , Herba Achilleae Alpinae , Fructus Ussuriensis by TLC .

  6. 牧草和蓍草混合可以减少杂草的数量,增加水的穿透能力,改善土壤的微生物和有机物质。

    This mixture of grasses and yarrow will out-compete the resident weed population , increase water penetration , and improve the microflora and organic matter in our soils .

  7. 外卦,共七种。前五种用龟甲卜卦,后二种用蓍草占卦,封卦爻的意义,要认真加以研究以弄清所有变化。

    Of these seven symbols , the first are given by the tortoise and the last two by the milfoil , both of which deserve close observation and study for fortune-telling .
