
  1. 1746年,杜兰尼帝国(DurraniEmpire)成立阿富汗民族国家,但是到1919年Amanullah国王即位时,主权割让给了英国。

    The Afghanistan nation-state came into existence in1746 under the Durrani Empire , but control was ceded to Britain until King Amanullah ascended to the throne in1919 .

  2. 即使在与塔利班的和谈的推进过程中,阿富汗少数民族也已开始重新武装。

    Already Afghanistan 's ethnic minorities have begun to re-arm in the face of negotiations with the Taliban .

  3. 他还呼吁阿富汗的民族和解进程,帮助阿富汗早日恢复稳定和发展。

    He also called for supporting Afghanistan 's national reconciliation process and helping the country restore stability and development at an early date .

  4. 自古以来,阿富汗就是各民族迁徙、文化交融、贸易往来的枢纽地带。

    Since ancient times , Afghanistan has already been the main hub for national migration , cultural integration and trading .

  5. 18世纪末以来,世界各大国对阿富汗的争夺以及阿富汗民族在夹缝中奋力抗争以求独立的不懈努力,构成了国际关系史中阿富汗问题的丰富内容。

    In international relation history , the fights for Afghanistan among powerful countries and Afghan nation 's all-out struggle for independence have remained the rich content of Afghanistan problem since the end of the 19 century .

  6. 我们要应对好阿富汗局势,加强同阿富汗安全合作,帮助阿富汗安全力量加强能力建设,在促进阿富汗实现民族和解和经济重建过程中发挥更大作用。

    We should respond to new developments in Afghanistan , strengthen security cooperation with Afghanistan , help Afghan security forces build capacity , and play a bigger role in promoting national reconciliation and economic reconstruction in Afghanistan .