
  • 网络mine service life
  1. 降低供矿品位延长矿山服务年限

    Lowering Feeding Ore Grade to Increase Mine Service Life

  2. 通过切实加强矿山地质工作,寻找新的矿源,延长了矿山服务年限;

    Through strengthening the mine geological work of searching for new mineral source , it has prolonged the mine service life .

  3. 矿山服务年限弹性系数的启示

    Revelation from the elastic coefficient of service time for the mines

  4. 具体措施应包括:加强勘探,延长矿山服务年限;

    The measures include : reinforce mine-exploration ;

  5. 前言:利用构造控矿原理,采用坑钻相结合的方式,探明新增地质储量,延长矿山服务年限。

    Using the principle of " ore deposit is controlled by structure " and through combining of trench with hole , the new geological reserves of ore are detected that prolongs the service life of mine .

  6. 因此,及时而有效地回采矿柱,对充分利用国家资源,延长矿山服务年限,提高矿山经济效益,都具有极为重要的意义。

    Therefore , the timely and effective manner back to the mining column on the full use of national resources , to extend the service life of mine to improve economic benefit of mine , have extremely important significance .

  7. 2003年我区地质勘查工作上了一个新台阶,提交了可供开发的资源量,延长了矿山的服务年限。

    Geology and mineral exploration of Xinjiang in 2003 were made into a new step and delivered resource quantity providing for mining and prolonging mines age of service .

  8. 通过计算矿山最优服务年限,为收益现值法评估矿产资源资产价值提供科学可靠的折现年限,对大多数矿山企业生产管理具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Through calculation of optimum service years , a reliable discount period is obtained which can be used for evaluation of mineral resources through the revenue present value method . The study may be of reference significance to production management of most mining enterprises .

  9. 文章提出我国金属矿山“超设计服务年限”,即矿山的“实际服务年限”超过了按照“合理服务年限”原则所确定的“设计服务年限”的那一部分“服务年限”的新概念。

    We put forward the new concept of service exceeding life which refers to the difference of the real service life and that of the originally designed for metal ore deposits .