
  • 网络reusable component
  1. 面向Web和基于可重用组件技术是新型组态软件的最新的发展趋势和研究热点,对计算机远程监控具有重要的现实意义和良好的应用前景。

    Being the newest tendency and present research focus , Web oriented and technology based on reusable component are two objects which have great realistic significance and extensive practical foreground .

  2. 如果大量应用程序都使用了特定的可重用组件,那你就可以跟往常一样,将现有接口作为适配器,让它在后台调用行业标准的API。

    If a bulk of your applications use a particular reusable component you can always treat the existing interface as an adapter that in turns invokes an industry standard API behind the scenes .

  3. 在基于Web的应用程序中,可重用组件的常见格式是页眉、页脚、导航栏等。

    Some of the common forms of reusable components in a Web-based application are Header , footer , Navigational bar , and so on .

  4. 这些可重用组件和API很大程度上帮助降低风险并加固了解决方案的质量和可消费性。

    These reusable components and APIs greatly help in reducing risk and strengthening solution quality and consumability .

  5. 可以用JSF创建可重用组件。

    You can create reusable components with JSF .

  6. IMS基础设施通过提供标准平台和可重用组件解决了此问题。

    The IMS infrastructure solves this problem by providing the standardized platform and reusable components .

  7. 所以Servlet过滤器是通过一个配置文件来灵活声明的模块化可重用组件。

    So , Servlet filters are modular , reusable components that are flexibly declared via a configuration file .

  8. 简介:对于设计企业应用程序来说,面向服务的体系结构(SOA)是一种很受欢迎的方法,因为它提供了像可重用组件和独立于平台的通信等优点。

    Summary : Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) is a popular method for designing enterprise applications , because it provides benefits like reusable components and platform-independent communication .

  9. Mashup平台允许非技术领域专家将可重用组件连接在一起形成应用程序,以满足新需求或短期需求。

    Mashup platforms enable nontechnical domain experts to wire applications together from reusable components to meet new or short-lived requirements .

  10. 所开发的系统由形态、色彩、人机和评价四个工具集构成,工具集中的每个独立工具按照可重用组件技术开发,以COM组件形式动态加载到CAD平台中。

    The CAID system was divided into four toolsets : form design , color design , ergonomics design and design evaluation . Each toolsets was consisted of many function-decoupled reusable COM components , which could be dynamically loaded on CAD platform .

  11. 面向对象开发方法中可重用组件技术的研究

    Research of Reusable Component Technology Based on Object - oriented Method

  12. 构建启用各种形式业务逻辑的可重用组件。

    Build reusable components that enable different forms of business logic .

  13. 我们能够利用实例方法作为可重用组件。

    We are able to leverage instance methods as reusable components .

  14. 可重用组件的价值在上一节中已经介绍过。

    The value of reusable components is described in an earlier section .

  15. 请使用可重用组件为您的应用程序开发环境提速。

    Boost your application development environment with reusable components .

  16. 组织或开发团队会随着时间不断发展其可重用组件和设计。

    An organization or development team evolves reusable components and designs over time .

  17. 跨平台可重用组件开发

    The development of the transnational platform reusing components

  18. 基于可重用组件技术的软件开发方法

    Software development method based on reusable component

  19. 利用可重用组件构造软件

    Making software using reusable component

  20. 下钻到数据库组件就可以看到可重用组件的配置方式(参见图4)。

    Drilling down into the database component shows how the reusable component might be configured ( see Figure 4 ) .

  21. 本文将帮助开发人员和架构师设计和实现可以在可持续环境中用作可重用组件的决策服务。

    This article will help developers and architects design and implement decision services as reusable components in a sustainable architecture .

  22. 模板是使用可重用组件构建的,所以它已配置为连接到所需的企业资源。

    The template was built using reusable components , so it is already configured to connect to the required enterprise resources .

  23. 在将泛型代码放入可重用组件或框架时,可以考虑使用代码生成器来更有效地生成特定的代码。

    After placing generic code into reusable components or frameworks , consider using code generators to produce specialized code more efficiently .

  24. 随着面向对象设计技术的发展,将可重用组件进行分类和管理变得越来越重要。

    With the development of Object-Oriented technology , it is more and more important to sort and manage the reusable components .

  25. 对于可重用组件,用户可将该组件添加到应用程序模式或应用程序模板中。

    In the case of a reusable component , the user can add the component to an application pattern or application template .

  26. 可以将实际数据各个方面细分为可重用组件,并使用其形成将来评估的构建块。

    You can break down the aspects of the actual data into reusable components and use them to form building blocks for future estimates .

  27. 我们将向您介绍那些技术和方法,使得您可以利用它们来构造可重用组件,以应用到按需业务流程的快速构建中。

    We describe methods and techniques which you can use to build reusable assets , which support the rapid creation of on demand business processes .

  28. 建议的做法是创建一个可重用组件,将连接用户注册表以及与其通信所需的配置细节封装起来。

    The suggested practice is to create a reusable component that encapsulates the configuration details required to connect to and communicate with the user registry .

  29. 可重用组件&复用组件应当经过比单一应用组件更广范围的测试。

    Reusable components & Components intended for reuse should be tested over a wider range of values than a component intended for a single focused use .

  30. 在通过可重用组件组装软件的过程中,最难以解决的问题就是如何将软件部署到日益增长的连接设备上去。

    When assembling software out of reusable components , the task of deploying software onto an ever increasing number of connected devices is not trivial to solve .