
  1. 通过改变触发角来改变可变电抗器的等效电感,使滤波器在LC参数变化后重新回到谐振状态以实现自动调谐。

    The equivalent inductance of the variable reactor changes by adjusting the thyristor 's triggering angle to make the filter resonant after the LC parameters are varied .

  2. 该滤波器利用晶闸管控制电抗器(TCR)作为可变电抗器,通过改变它的触发角来改变可变电抗器的等效电感,使滤波器在电容变化后重新回到谐振状态,从而实现无源滤波器的自动调谐。

    It changes the equivalent induction of the variable reactor by adjusting the thyristor 's triggering angle to make the filter holding resonance after the capacitance deviated , and the filter finishes self tuning process .

  3. 提出了一种利用晶闸管控制电抗器为可变电抗器的新型可控无源滤波器。

    This paper presents a novel controllable passive filter which uses the thyristor controlled reactor ( TCR ) as a variable reactor .

  4. 基于此,项目组提出设计一种基于晶闸管式可变电抗器的无源动态谐波滤波器。

    For this reason , my project team points out to design a kind of passive dynamic harmonic filter based on SCR variable reactor .

  5. 当输入电压不变时,实现可变电抗器导纳的改变,就能改变基波电流,从而导致电抗器吸收无功功率的变化。

    When the input voltage is constant , transforming reactor to achieve admittance changes , you can change the fundamental current , resulting in reactors absorb reactive power changes .

  6. 通过智能控制器控制电力电子功率变换器,改变可变电抗器二次绕组的电流,从而改变可变电抗器的一次绕组的电流,实现阻抗可变。

    Through intelligent control of power electronic power converter controller , transformer reactor can change the secondary winding current , thus changing the reactor can be a transformer winding current to achieve impedance variable .

  7. 其中,软起动采用基于可变电抗器的降压软起动,无功补偿则是根据功率因数来控制投切无功补偿装置来实现。

    Among them , this soft-start adopts the step-down soft-start based on the variable reactor , and the reactive compensation is realized by controlling the reactive power compensation device to switch according to the power factor .

  8. 构建了基于阻抗可变的静止无功补偿器的总体结构,静止无功补偿器主要由可变电抗器、固定电容器和智能控制器等组成。

    Construction of variable impedance based static var compensator architecture , static var compensator can be transforming the main reactor by the fixed capacitors and intelligent controller and other components .