
  • 网络the visible universe
  1. 一台300个丘比特的计算机能够同时进行的操作数超过了可见宇宙中所有原子的数量。

    A 300-qubit computer could perform more concurrent operations than there are atoms in the visible universe .

  2. 研究人员得出结论说:牵引这种物质流的力量一定来自可见宇宙之外。

    The stuff that 's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe , researchers conclude .

  3. 然而,量子力学效应当认为可见宇宙为一整体时候通常不重要。

    However , the effects of quantum mechanics are generally not significant when considering the observable Universe as a whole .

  4. 拥有如此大的覆盖范围,该太空望远镜只需要十年时间就能观测可见宇宙中40%的空间。

    With such a large area of coverage , the space telescope would only take 10 years to survey 40 percent of the observable universe .

  5. 时空似乎也有一个简单连接的拓扑结构,至少的长度,规模之大可见的宇宙。

    Spacetime also appears to have a simply connected topology , at least on the length-scale of the observable universe .

  6. 可见光是宇宙的电磁波当中的一小部分。

    Visible light is just one slice of the universe 's electromagnetic rainbow .