
  • 网络spectrophotometry
  1. 分光光度测量系统是分析溶液中某种物质的浓度和物质结构的有效手段。

    Spectrophotometry measuring system is a way that analyses consistency and structure of some substance in liquor .

  2. 分光光度测量中的狭缝宽度误差及其修正

    Slit Width Error and Its Correction in Spectrophotometry

  3. 用于透射比标定的高精度分光光度测量装置

    A high accuracy spectrophotometer for calibration of the transmittance

  4. 冰洲石偏光棱镜在分光光度测量中的应用

    Application of Iceland Spar Polarizing Prism in Spectrophotometric Measurement

  5. 提出一种用于紫外/可见分光光度测量中对扫描光谱进行处理并自动寻找到峰值和谷值的有效算法。

    Available arithmetic of automatic searching absorbency peak and vale by measuring scan spectrum used of ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer was given .

  6. 文章在第三~第五部分详细论述了紫外&可见分光光度测量系统的设计过程。

    From the third part to the fifth part of the paper , design process of ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer system was discussed detailedly .

  7. 介绍了饮料乳浊液浊度的形成原理,饮料乳浊的优缺点,以及分光光度测量法在测定饮料浊度上的应用。

    The paper introduced the principles of the formation of opacity in beverage emulsions , the advantages and disadvantages of beverage emulsions , and the application of spectrophotometry to the opacity test .

  8. 凝胶分光光度法测量痕量Cu(Ⅱ)的研究

    Determination of Trace Cu (ⅱ) by Gel Spectrophotometry

  9. 应用分光光度法测量胚胎组织谷胱甘肽(GSH)和丙二醛(MDA)含量。

    The contents of GSH and MDA in embryo tissue were measured by relative detection kits .

  10. 用MPVⅡ型显微分光光度计测量乳腺单纯癌及乳腺腺病细胞核DNA含量及面积

    The determination of cell-nuclear DNA content and area in simplex carcinoma of breast and mammary adenosis

  11. 薄膜的光学参数采用椭偏仪和台阶仪进行测量,薄膜形貌特征及结构通过SEM观测,基底和薄膜的反射率则用分光光度计测量。

    The optical parameters of the coating is measured by ellipsometer and alpha step apparatus , the microstructure by SEM and the reflectivity by spectrophotometer .

  12. 以甲酰胺提取视网膜中的EB,用分光光度计测量提取液中的EB浓度。

    The dye was extracted from retina by formamide and the extraction was checked with spectrophotometer .

  13. 采用细胞化学法对破骨细胞actin进行标记,采用分光光度计测量Ca和P离子浓度,采用扫描电镜(SEM)观察破骨细胞的形态及吸收陷窝。

    Osteoclast actin labeling was examined by cytochemical staining . The concentrations of Ca and P in culture medium were quantified by colorimetric methods . SEM examined osteoclast morphology and resorption lacuna .

  14. 用US/VIS分光光度计测量了生成物的透过率发现其透过率在紫外部分较ITO膜提高;

    The US / VIS spectrophotometer was used to measure the transmissivity of TiSi 2 film and found the transmissivity of TiSi 2 was higher than that of ITO film .

  15. 采用分光光度法测量镀锌添加剂中EDTA的含量,并与配位滴定法测得的同种样品中EDTA的含量接近。

    Spectrophotometry was used to determine the content of EDTA in additives for Zn plating , and the test result with this method is similar to that with complex titration .

  16. 通过荧光显微镜观察以及荧光分光光度计测量荧光值,表明两种系统均成功表达GFP。

    Through fluorescence microscope and fluorescence spectrophotometer , we measured ? the fluorescence of the two systems , and determined that GFP was successful expressed in the two systems .

  17. 显微分光光度计测量结果,照射后48h及照射后72h与正常相比总吸光度显著降低(P<0.01)。

    By using SPM measuring , there was significant reduction in 48 hrs or 72 hrs after irradiation compared with the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 在国外Edwards最早使用分光光度计测量活体皮肤颜色,初步确定了白种人肤色值范围。而国内采用无创性测量技术评价中国人皮肤颜色的相关研究则较少。

    Edwards was the first one who used the Chromameter to measure the skin color of living man and reported the change of skin color in the Caucasian volunteers .

  19. 对18例肝癌患者采用靛青绿(ICG)注射液静脉注射,不同时间采血,用分光光度计测量ICG在肝脏的潴留率及清除率。

    Indo cyanine green ( ICG ) clearance and reserve rates were determined after intravenous ICG , in order to estimate liver function in 18 male patients .

  20. 用分光光度计测量各组的可见光积分透射率(标准A光源,光束直径5mm,波长范围380~780nm)。

    A spectrophotometer with standard A light source paralleled light beam 5 mm in diameter and spectra range 380 ~ 780 nm was employed to measure the spectral transmittance .

  21. 本文用IR-450S型红外分光光度计测量了湿氧热氧化、开管水蒸汽热氧化和氧等离子体阳极氧化SiO2膜在室温下的红外吸收光谱。

    Infrared absorption spectra of the wet-oxygen thermally oxidized SiO_2 film , the open-pipe steam thermally oxidized SiO_2 film and the oxygen-plasma-anodized SiO_2 film on monocrystal silicon wafer are measured by IR-450S type spectrophotometer at room temperature .

  22. 利用分光光度计测量光学元件材料的偏振特性和反射特性

    Measuring Polarization and Reflection Character of Optical Components by Using Spectrophotometer

  23. 用荧光分光光度法测量冠心病患者血浆谷胱甘肽

    Plasma Glutathione of Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Measured by Fluorospectrophotometer

  24. 分光光度法测量痕量三价铁三价铁离子反应级数的测定

    Determining Trace Fe With Spectrophotometry Measurement of the Ferric ions Reaction Series

  25. 饮料乳浊液及其浊度的分光光度法测量

    Beverage Emulsions and Their Opacity Test Method by Spectrophotometry

  26. 分光光度计测量2类水体光谱吸收系数的关键技术

    The Key Technique for Measuring Spectral Absorption Coefficient of Case II Water with Spectrophotometer

  27. 用分光光度法测量薄膜的光学常数

    Optical Constants Measurement of Thin Film by Spectrophotometry

  28. 分光光度法测量焚烧飞灰中总砷含量的不确定度评定

    Evaluation of uncertainty of measurement for total arsenic in incineration fly ash by Spectrophotometry

  29. 用分光光度法测量光源色座标时的误差

    Errors in Measuring Chromaticity Coordinates by Spectrophotometric Methods

  30. 紫外分光光度法测量皮肤及血液中盐酸罂粟碱含量

    Determination of Papaverine Hydrochloride in Skin and Blood and the Drug Contents in Pig Skin