
  • 网络Molecular Flow;Free molecule flow
  1. MonteCarlo法研究通过旋转圆管的自由分子流

    The Monte Carlo Method for the Free Molecular Flow through a Rotating Tube

  2. 此模型方程式满足宏观的质量、总动量和总能量守恒方程式,满足H定理,并且在分子流和粘性流两个极限情况下给出与玻氏方程式相同的解答。

    This model equation satisfies the macroscopic conservation equations of mass , total momentum , and total energy , satisfies the H theorem , and possesses the same solutions as the Boltzmann equation in both molecular flow and viscous flow limits .

  3. 利用试验粒子MonteCarlo方法研究通过有限长旋转圆管的自由分子流。

    The free molecule flow through a finite tube rotating about its axis is investigated with the test-particle Monte Carlo method .

  4. 采用动态流导法,在分子流状态和不同温度下,测量了PP膜的放气率和平衡压强并研究了其放气特性。

    The outgassing rate and its eguilibrium pressure are measured by the dynamic conductance method at the molecular flow condition and different temperatures for the polypropylene film . Its vacuum characteristics is discussed in this paper .

  5. Schamberg的超热力学自由分子流粒子&表面作用模型已用于计算凸体的阻力系数。

    The particle-surface interaction model in " hyperthermal free-molecule flow " postulated by Schamberg has been used to calculate drag coefficient of convex bodies .

  6. 根据克拉珀龙方程、分子流运动论的Knudsen公式等理论,确定达到额定压力(真空度)所需的时间(即装置的起动时间)。

    The time which the vacuum degree can reach the decided value ( i.e. starting time of the equipment ) is calculated by Clapeyron ′ s equation of gas state , Knudsen theory of molecular flow and etc.

  7. 本文建立的羽流场数学模型不同于Simons羽流场数学模型及羽流特征线方法,但本质上仍满足羽流远流场为自由分子流的假设条件;

    The plume field model given in this paper is different from the Simons plume field model and the characteristic line plume field model , but still satisfies the hypothesis supposing the far plume flow field as the free molecular flow .

  8. 分子流区高真空多层内辐传屏间剩余气体传热分析

    Heat Transfer Analysis of Rarefied Gases in Free Molecule Regime between Multi-layers

  9. 通过圆形管道的分子流流导几率的计算

    Calculation of conductive probability for molecular flow through cylindrical tubes

  10. 分子流处理下气体透过法的研究

    Studies of gas permeating method on treating the molecules flow

  11. 中国部分地区传染性法氏囊病病毒分子流病学调查

    Investigation on Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Bursal Disease in Parts of China

  12. 实体瘤组织细胞粘附分子流式细胞研究方法的建立

    The establishment of researching adhesive molecules in solid tumors by flow cytometric method

  13. 稳定分子流温度非平衡态的等效温度

    Equivalent temperature of temperature non equilibrium state in the steady molecular flow region

  14. 自由分子流微电热推力器数值模拟计算

    The numerical simulation of free molecular micro - resistojets

  15. 这个解在分子流和粘性流两个极限情况下都给出正确的结果。

    This solution gives correct results in both molecular flow and viscous flow limits .

  16. 圆管分子流流导几率的初等函数拟合公式

    Approximation Formulae of Elementary Function for the Transmission Probability of Molecular Gas Flow through a Tube

  17. 从近连续流到近自由分子流,计算分析超声速流场的稀薄效应。

    Rarefaction effect on supersonic flow fields in the transition from near continuum to near free-molecule flow is analyzed numerically .

  18. 稳定分子流密度非平衡态的速度分布和碰壁率关系

    The velocity distribution function and the rate at which molecules strike a wall for the density non-equilibrium state in the molecular-flow region

  19. 给出了分子流扩散方程的边界条件,推导出入口压力在线性近似下方程的解。

    The molecule flow diffusion equation and the boundary conditions are given . The solution with linear approximation of entrance pressure is presented .

  20. 应用自由分子流理论建立气动阻力的模型,并利用集合理论计算气动阻力在空间站各组件上的有效作用面积。

    The aerodynamic resistance is modeled based on the free molecular flow theory . The effective area is calculated using the collection theory .

  21. 提出了采用线性真空计测量激光小孔分子流流导的方法,减小了小孔流导的测量不确定度。

    Finally , the evaluation of the molecular flow conductance of a laser orifice with a linear vacuum gauge further reduces the uncertainty of the orifice conductance measurement .

  22. 因此可以近似地用此模型方程式代替玻氏方程式讨论介于分子流和粘性流之间的过渡区的气体运动情况。

    Thus instead of Boltzmann equation this model equation may be approximately used to discuss the motion of gases in the transient region between molecular flow and viscous flow Iimits .

  23. 在分子流条件下,给出了定容法和恒压法测量流导的方法,分析了测量不确定度。

    Two methods of measuring conductance are introduced under the condition of molecular flow , namely , with constant volume method and constant pressure method . The measurement uncertainty is also analyzed .

  24. 从微孔中气体分子流扩散及表面化学吸附出发,探讨了多孔烧结体室温吸气剂吸气动力学模型。

    According to the diffusion of gas molecules flow and chemical absorption of surface in micro hole , the gas absorption dynamic model of the porous sinter room temperature getter was proposed and discussed .

  25. 以短管近似方法导出了分子流在圆截面粘附管内的流动分布及其通过几率和反射几率公式。

    The flow distribution of the molecular flow in the circular section pipe which inter surface is adhesive and the formula of its passage , reflect co-efficients are deduced by the short pipe approximate method .

  26. 通过数学推导,分别得出了氦气通过漏孔时的流动状态为分子流、粘滞流及扩散状态时的计算方程。

    The equations that will calculate the rules for the helium pressure variation are derived mathematically when the flow form of the helium leakage is divided in the molecular and viscous flow as well as diffusion state .

  27. 本文从烟气相对于小煤粉粒子为自由分子流或连续流中提出了一种新的计算方法,结合煤粉群物性参数以及外部加热条件得到计算表达式。

    A new method is raised here , the coal combustion smoke is free molecule liquid or continuous liquid to the small particles . We get the calculation expression with physical parameters of pulverized-coal cloud and external heating conditions .

  28. 在分子流状态下,将余弦定律应用于静电悬浮加速度计荷载气体阻尼力分析中,推导出了静电悬浮加速度计中气体阻尼系数的计算公式。

    Under the molecular flow condition , utilizing the law of cosine in the analysis of the gas damping force to the proof mass in the electrostatic accelerometer , the gas damping force coefficient calculation formula has been conducted .

  29. 本文还对分子流的非稳态真空空间过程按其时间行为划分为以下三个区域:准稳态真空过程,扩散态真空过程,瞬态真空过程。

    In this paper , in the space course of non-stationary vacuum space process of molecular flow , depending on its temporal behaviour three regions are devided into : quasi-stationary vacuum process , diffusion vacuum one and transient vacuum one .

  30. Ni~+与C6~C9直链烷烃分子束流反应的研究

    Studies on the Reaction of Ni + With Molecular Flows of C_6 - C_9 n - Alkanes