
  • 网络metal-poor star;metal-deficient star;metal deficient star
  1. 近年来,AGB星s-过程和r-过程核合成理论的研究已经取得了多方面的进展,相对而言贫金属星r-过程核合成场所及相关物理条件仍然是当前核天体物理学研究领域的重要前沿课题。

    In recent years , discovery of s-process nucleosynthesis theory of AGB stars has already made more progress than that of r-process . At present , researching the astrophysical site and physical conditions about r-process nucleosynthesis of metal-poor stars is still important topics .

  2. 近年来对贫金属星r-过程的研究越来越多。但是,到目前为止还没有一种成熟的理论,对其形成场所也存在许多争议。

    In recent years , study of the r-process nuclear synthesis on metal-poor stars are more and more . However , there does not have a mature theory so far , and there are also lot of controversy on place of their formation .

  3. 简要介绍了核纪年法确定银河系年龄的原理,回顾了恒星中Th和U的观测研究,其中着重介绍了极贫金属星的研究。

    We first briefly introduce the principle of this approach , and then review the history of Th and U abundance study in stars , with emphasis on the extremely metal-poor halo stars .

  4. 结果显示,快中子俘获过程(r过程)是贫金属星中子俘获元素的主要来源,且金属丰度小于-2.5的贫金属星的重中子俘获元素产量可能来自于纯r过程;

    The result shows that the rapid neutron capture process ( r-process ) is the main source of neutron capture elements in poor-metal stars . Besides , the yields of heavy neutron capture elements in stars whose metallicity is less than - 2.5 may come from pure r-process .

  5. 贫金属星重元素丰度研究进展

    Progress in the Study of Abundances of Heavy Elements in Metal-Poor Stars

  6. 贫金属星的表面丰度与慢中子俘获过程

    Abundances of Metal-Poor Stars and Slow Neutron - Capture Progress

  7. 中等贫金属星高分辨率光谱分析Ⅱ.化学元素丰度

    High-Resolution Spectral Analysis of the Mildly Metal-Poor Stars ⅱ . Chemical abundances

  8. 一种研究贫金属星重元素丰度分布的方法

    A method of studying the abundances of heavy elements in metal poor stars

  9. 贫金属星的重元素丰度Ⅱ.细致的光谱分析

    Abundances of Heavy Elements in Metal Deficient Stars ⅱ . Detailed Spectroscopic Analysis

  10. 贫金属星的重元素丰度&Ⅰ.观测数据和大气模型

    Abundances of Heavy Elements in Metal Deficient Stars & ⅰ . Observational Material and Model Atmospheres

  11. 贫金属星的重核素丰度

    Heavy-nuclide Abundances of the Metal-poor Stars

  12. 另一类贫金属星,其质量和表面重力都相对偏小。

    One is metal rich and relatively massive with large gravity , while another metal poor with lower mass and surface gravity .

  13. 并将误差详细的分为了贫金属星观测误差和典型星观测误差,使我们的模型最大限度的优化。

    And the error is detailed into metal-poor stars observation error and the typical satellite observation error , so that our model for maximum optimization .

  14. 在提出的贫金属星中子俘获元素丰度的计算模型基础上研究1999年新发表的21颗贫金属星的中子俘获元素丰度分布。

    Based on our model to compute the heavy element abundances in metal poor stars , the authors study the heavy element abundance distributions in21 metal poor stars published in1999 .

  15. 贫金属星被称为是恒星演化历史的“化石”。研究其核合成元素丰度,对检验核合成理论和探索恒星形成具有十分重要的意义。

    The metal-poor stars are known as the stellar evolution history of the " fossil . " Studying the nucleosynthesis element abundances to test nucleosynthesis theories and exploration of star formation have great significance .

  16. 利用北京天文台兴隆观测基地2.16米望远镜的折轴阶梯光栅摄谱仪,获得了一批中等贫金属星的高分辨率、高信噪比光谱。

    The high resolution , high signal to noise ratio spectra of a sample of mildly metal-poor stars were obtained with the Coude Echelle Spectrograph attached to the 2.16m telescope at Beijing Astronomical Observatory ( Xinglong , China ) .