
  1. 今天的经文是神给以色列人的命令:要以色列人注意照顾他们中间的贫穷人,神提醒富足的人对贫穷人有责任。

    The passage we have today is a commandment God gave to the Israelis on their responsibility to the poor and the needy among them .

  2. 至于我,我是困苦贫穷的;神啊!求你快快到我这里来;你是我的帮助,我的拯救;耶和华啊!求你不要耽延。

    But I am poor and needy : make haste unto me , o god : thou art my help and my deliverer ; o lord , make no tarrying .

  3. 当内战造成国家分裂;天灾横祸骤然发生;每天有无数小孩子死于爱滋病、饥荒或贫穷时,神在哪里?

    Where is God when nations are torn apart by civil war , when disaster seems to strike at random , when children die of AIDS or hunger or poverty every single day ?