
pín fù xuán shū
  • polarization of the rich and the poor;the gulf between the rich and the poor;extreme disparity between the rich and the poor
贫富悬殊 [pín fù xuán shū]
  • [extreme disparity between the rich and the poor] 贫的和富的相差极大

  • 现在的贫富悬殊是史无前例的。--朱自清《论且顾眼前》

贫富悬殊[pín fù xuán shū]
  1. 你认为制定最低工资的政策能有效缩窄贫富悬殊吗?

    Do you believe that setting minimum wages can effectively shorten the extreme disparity between the rich and the poor in Hong Kong .

  2. 如此严峻的贫富悬殊,随之带来的是各种社会问题,巨大的贫富反差会激起普遍的仇富心理,进而造成社会的不稳定。

    The stern polarization of the rich and the poor brings along with it various social problems , among which the huge wealth contrast can arouse universal enmity against the rich , then makes the society unstable .

  3. 贫富悬殊。

    The gulf between rich and poor is enormous .

  4. 浅析造成贫富悬殊的竞争因素

    The Factors Causing Great Disparity between the Rich and the Poor

  5. 人口迁移是城乡贫富悬殊现象的征兆。

    Migration is a symptom of rural poverty and of urban over-privilege .

  6. 两极分化、贫富悬殊与市场经济

    Two extreme divisions , disparity between poverty and wealth and market economy

  7. 澳门是富裕的城市,但贫富悬殊严重。

    Macau is affluent but not for all people .

  8. 近年来,贫富悬殊问题引起了民众的普遍担忧。

    The polarization has aroused wide concern among the public in recent years .

  9. 三,贫富悬殊差距扩大。

    The third thing is that inequality increased .

  10. 对于计划经济所带来的平均主义而言,应当强调效率优先,而针对目前由机会的不平等所造成的贫富悬殊而言,则应强调公平至上。

    For the egalitarianism brought about by planned economy , efficiency should be stressed ;

  11. 在这个新的世界形势下,我们应该怎样理解全球贫富悬殊的问题呢?

    Under such situation , how should we understand the problem of global wealth inequality ?

  12. 高房价会加剧贫富悬殊,容易成为社会不稳定因素。

    High prices will aggravate the gap between rich and poor vulnerable to social instability .

  13. 你会建议什麽其他办法来解决贫富悬殊?

    Which of the alternative methods you suggest can solve the problem besides setting minimum wages .

  14. 在第三世界国家,贫富悬殊很大。

    In third world countries the gap between the rich and the poor is very big .

  15. 在一个贫富悬殊的社会中,实现政治稳定和社会和谐是难以想象的。

    The disparity of wealth in a society , to achieve political stability and social harmony is unimaginable .

  16. 但是它很难通过提高扣除标准的方式来实现缩小社会贫富悬殊的目的。

    However , it could hardly shorten the gap of social wealth by raising the rate of deduction .

  17. 经济上应相互促进,共同发展,而不应造成贫富悬殊;

    Economically they should complement one another and pursue common development and should not create a polarization of wealth .

  18. 心脏病、糖尿病和癌症等疾病无南北之分,没有热带和温带差异,也不存在贫富悬殊。

    Diseases like heart disease , diabetes , and cancer know no north-south , tropical-temperate , or rich-poor divide .

  19. 过去几年经济转坏,贫富悬殊进一步拉阔。

    The gap between rich and poor has widened because of the bad economy in the past few years .

  20. 随着经济的快速发展,近年来我国社会贫富悬殊问题愈显突出。

    With the rapid development of economy in China , social disparity has become a controversial issue during recent years .

  21. 要解决贫富悬殊问题,可从援助和发展两方面著手。

    To resolve rich and poor to hang extremely a problem can from help to begin with development both side .

  22. 因而,消除贫富悬殊,缩小贫富差距,是维持政权稳定的重要一环。

    To narrow and eliminate the wide gap between the rich and the poor is very important to keep political stability .

  23. 我们应当通过依法保护合法收入,取缔非法收入,调节过高收入等措施发挥其积极作用,限制它的消极作用,避免贫富悬殊、两极分化的现象。

    We need protect their legal incomes and take measures to ban their illegal incomes , and to moderate their overhigh incomes .

  24. 而这是世界银行对未来最乐观的预测,世界再也不是贫富悬殊的。

    And the best projection from the World Bank is that this will happen , and we will not have a divided world .

  25. 通货膨胀会扰乱市场经济秩序,会导致贫富悬殊,减少储蓄和投资。

    Inflation will not only disrupt the market economic order , but also lead to the disparity of wealth and reduce savings and investment .

  26. 而有了贫富悬殊差别就是地球人类社会生活中的最大的也是最基本需求的人与人之间的不平等。

    But with the polarization between the difference is that earth human social life of the largest and most basic demand of interpersonal inequality .

  27. 以上的调查对象认为特殊利益集团的存在是导致贫富悬殊的主要原因。

    More than 70 per cent of the respondents believed that " the group of special interests " is the prime reason for the polarization .

  28. 中国的区域差距是东部与中西部地区由于发展水平不同所形成的贫富悬殊的差距。

    China 's regional disparity is the great disparity of poor and rich of between eastern part and west part due to the difference development level .

  29. 罗马不断成长壮大,贫富悬殊差距也随之加剧,这种极端不均困扰着帝国直到衰亡。

    As Rome grew , so too did the gap between rich and poor a cruel inequity that would haunt the empire to its very end .

  30. 本文通过对社会主义本质的分析,旨在阐明贫穷不是社会主义的正确论断。两极分化、贫富悬殊与市场经济

    The paper analyses the essence of socialism , proving that poverty is not socialist . TWO EXTREME DIVISIONS , DISPARITY BETWEEN POVERTY AND WEALTH AND MARKET ECONOMY