
  • 网络enchantment;Demon Reform
  1. 坚决反对把马克思主义法学魔化的思想。

    Opposes firmly the Marxism legal science evil spirit thought .

  2. 如果他不把我这样的人妖魔化,他能怎么样呢?

    If he didn 't have people like me to demonize , where would he be ?

  3. 已修正军团竞技场事件完成后魔化眼梗不会消失的问题。

    Fixed an issue that caused FEL eye stalks during the Legion ring event to not despawn when the event is completed .

  4. 19世纪末20世纪初,西方把中国人妖魔化的黄祸论甚嚣尘上。

    During the late 19th century and the early 20th century , the Yellow Calamity allegation prevailed that the West took the Chinese as Devil .

  5. 诺瓦利斯的魔化唯心主义诗学观开拓了内在心灵的想象空间,它促使人们从贫乏的现实世界超脱出来,去追求一种更高的生活和诗意的人生。

    The Magical Idealism of Poetics not only explored the space of inner imagination , but also prompted people to transcend the barren reality to pursue higher and poetic life .