
  • 网络Normals;Normal Vector;vector
  1. 计算目标物的位置矢量和法向矢量,根据机器人抓取面的法向矢量,找到机器人要抓取的平面;

    Compute the position vector and the normal vector of the object . And find the plane by which the robot grasp it by the normal vector of grasped plane ;

  2. 利用法向矢量计算三维物体间的距离

    Calculating distance between 3D objects using normal vector

  3. 基于STL面片法向矢量的自适应分层算法

    Adaptive Slicing Arithmetic Based on STL Facet-vector Model

  4. 文中介绍了有关泡面法向矢量、切向速度、曲率和接触线等的计算技术。

    Numerical techniques related to the calculation of normal vector , tangential velocity , curvature and contact line are explained in detail .

  5. 为了构造模糊矩阵,矩阵中的元素取为两节理面锐夹角的余弦,即两节理面向上的单位法向矢量点积的绝对值。

    And the elements of the fuzzy matrix are the cosine of the acute angle between two joints , that is , the absolute value of the dot product of two joints ' upward normal unit vectors .

  6. 提出了基于单位外法向矢量空间的分层表面网格分割算法,通过将任意表面映射到单位矢量空间即单位球面上,以单位球面划分作为模板应用到任意表面分割。

    A hierarchical segmentation algorithm based on vector space was presented . It firstly maps the arbitrary surfaces into a unit vector space , which is isomorphic to the unit spherical surface , and then partitions them by the templet of partitioning unit spherical surface .