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  • legal fiction
  1. 我国民法中的法律拟制与注意规定

    Legal Fiction and Provision of Attention in our Civil Law

  2. 经济犯罪条文中的共犯规定是注意规定,不是法律拟制;

    The economy criminal terms regarding accomplice isn 't the legal fiction .

  3. 法律拟制与法律类推:以刑法规范为视角

    Legal Fiction and Legal Analogy : From the View of Criminal Norm

  4. 此外,本部分还介绍了法律拟制和法律推定两种立法技术。

    In addition , this section also describes the legal fiction and the presumption of law .

  5. 论转化型抢劫罪的既遂与未遂形态&从法律拟制的视角

    On the Completed and Uncompleted Offense of Transformation Robbery & In the sight of legal fiction

  6. 刑法第382条第3款不是法律拟制,而是注意规定。

    The third paragraph of article 382 is an attention provision , rather than a legal fiction .

  7. 通过对注意规定和法律拟制概念的分析比较,提出了自己的观点。

    Through the analysis of the rules and legal fiction concept , I put forward my views .

  8. 通过法律拟制将提单物权化,方便了当事人对货物的买卖行为。

    Making the bill of lading have real right nature is convenient topersons ' business for goods .

  9. 法人是由法律拟制的重要民事主体,具有独立的法律人格。

    Legal person is an important civil main body created by the law , with independent legal personality .

  10. 法律拟制这一现象自古有之,是人们应对复杂社会而创造的一项技术。

    Legal fiction dated to classic age is a kind of technique created to cope with complicated society by men .

  11. 刑事责任能力是一个刑法意义上的概念,是法律拟制的抽象类型。

    Criminal capacity is a concept in the sense of criminal law , and an abstract type of legal analogy .

  12. 第四章通过对推定与拟制的比较研究,进一步揭示法律拟制的政治属性。

    Chapter four further brings the political property of the legal fiction to light by comparing the presumption and the fiction .

  13. 单位犯罪是自然人共同犯罪与单位整体犯罪的统一,是一种法律拟制;

    A unit crime is the unification of a personal co-crime and collective crime , regarded as a sort of law stipulation .

  14. 在立法技术方面,转化抢劫罪属于法律拟制,二者在罪质方面具有同一性。

    On the technology of legislation , crime of transformed robbery is legal fiction because they are the same on criminal substance .

  15. 根据行政不作为自身的特点,其构成要件主要有以行政主体有法定的行政作为义务为前提、消极不为或预备性程序行为、借助法律拟制或推定、行政主体具备作为可能性四个方面。

    According to its characteristics , the components of administrative omission include administrative subject taking legal administrative duties as premise and other three aspects .

  16. 这一部分强调法律拟制的政治属性,拟制是一种政治行为,一种决断性虚构。

    This part emphasizes on the political property of the legal fiction , and stresses that fiction is a kind of political behavior and decisive fabrication .

  17. 法定货币财产没有现实的财产客体,是法律拟制的主观权利。

    Fiat Monetary Property does not have realistic property object . MONEY HISTORICAL Funny Money It is the subjective right that is created by the law .

  18. 本案中,邵某不宜认定为其他积极参加者;刑法第292条第2款聚众斗殴转化定罪的规定应属法律拟制。

    Case , Shao should not be identified as active participants ; Paragraph 2 of Article 292 of the Criminal law should be transformed into legal fiction .

  19. 在法治社会,民间环保组织是法律拟制的主体,其主体身份首先需要得到法律的认可,进而赋予其权利,规范其组织和运作。

    In a law-ruling society , Environmental Non-governmental Organization is the main body crated by law , which should first be acknowledged , assigned rights , and regulated its organization and operation .

  20. 法律拟制或衡平方式的运用与法官自由裁量权的行使是民事法益得以司法救济的基本保证。

    It is the basic guarantee of judicial remedy of civil legal interest to use the method of legal fiction or the method of equity and to exercise the right of discretion .

  21. 另一方面,法律拟制也存在包括重刑主义倾向、违背刑法谦抑、偏离刑事法治基本立场等在内的可能风险。

    For another part , the fiction has possible risk such as the tendency of heavy penalty doctrine , violating the spirit of modesty , deviating the basic position of criminal law .

  22. 法律拟制和注意规定在适用条件、认定结论和法条解释等方面存在着重大区别,在认定其究竟属于法律拟制还是注意规定时更需小心地求证和谨慎地判定。

    Legal fiction and provision of attention are of so great difference in applying conditions , determinant conclusion and legal interpretation that when we judge a special provision we must do it cautiously .

  23. 通过运用比较、实证的方法分析法律拟制及其与相关概念的关系,理清它们的不同之处,目的在于认清法律拟制这一概念。

    By using comparative method 、 positive law to analyze the connection between legal fiction and related concepts , to clarify their differences in order to make out the concept of legal fiction .

  24. 从规范层面来认识和理解刑法上的行为的内涵是:立法者基于一定原则下作的法律拟制,是对某种法益的保护为核心所人为设置出的规范要素的集合体。

    In view of criterion , the connotation of act is a kind of lawful formulation , which lawmakers draw based on certain principles and a set of criterion elements , to protect some kinds of the profit in law .

  25. 笔者认为:保证期间是保证人能够容许债权人行使保证债务请求权的最长期间,其类型主要有约定期间和法律拟制期间;

    Guarantee period is the maximum lengthen of time , during which the guarantor allows the obligee to exercise his right upon the request of guaranteed indebtedness , and it is classified into two types : agreed period and the period regulated by law .

  26. 具体来说,法律拟制必须接受形式正义的指导和实质正义的双重指导,只有有限度的拟制才是正当的拟制,才能保证有益于法律制度和社会生活的发展。

    Specifically , the form of legal fiction must accept the guidance of justice and the dual guidance of substantive justice , and only limited legitimate fiction is fiction , in order to ensure the legal system and social life conducive to the development .

  27. 本文以法律拟制与法律形式主义的互动关系为视角,以法律拟制对英国契约法形成的作用为个案,尝试对法律拟制在英国普通法发展中的状况进行描述和分析。

    This thesis tries to analyze legal fiction in the development of English common law from the perspective of the interaction between legal fiction and legal formalism , with a special reference to the influence legal fiction imposed upon the growth of English contract law .

  28. 法律拟制在英国普通法的形成时期曾被大量的应用,如今在我国的部门法中也偶有应用,基于法律的经济性或论证的困难等原因来解决某些棘手的法律问题。

    Legal fiction has been a large number of applications during the formation of common law in England , and now the department of law in China is also occasionally applied the law based on economic difficulties and other reasons such as arguments to resolve some thorny legal issues .

  29. 理性人的界定应当是法律所拟制的、具有同一类型人的技能和处事能力,能够独立承担民事责任的人。

    Rational man should be the person who can bear the civil liability independently .

  30. 非法人团体承担无限责任是出于交易安全和国家监管的双重需要而由法律再次拟制的结果。

    It is a result of the second design by law based on considerations about secure transaction and inspection from the state .