
  1. 结论适当参数的工频正弦波电磁场能促进骨骺干细胞PTHrp蛋白的表达,从而调节其增殖能力,增强分化稳定性,抑制细胞凋亡。

    Conclusion Sinusoidal EMFs might regulate proliferation and differentiation , enhance the stability of PSCs and inhibit apoptosis by mediating the expression of PTHrp protein .

  2. ②脉冲电磁场能使软骨骨折达到类透明软骨修复。

    Conclusion : PEMFs are essential to facilitation of the cartilage repair .

  3. 结论:超低频电磁场能抑制硝普钠诱导体外培养的大鼠软骨细胞的凋亡。

    Conclusion : The ELF magnetic fields can inhibit the chondrocyte apoptosis induced by SNP .

  4. 因此,电磁场能提供一种非常清洁的材料加工手段。

    So , the application of electromagnetic filed can proffer a clean and novel method in material processing .

  5. 电磁场能流矢量的非唯一性,是国内外物理学考长期争论的问题之一。

    The non-uniqueness of electromagnetic field energy flow is at issue among physicists over a long period of time .

  6. 有三种基本能量对化学有直接的重要意义:动能、电能和电磁场能。

    There are essentially three kinds of energy of direct significance in chemistry : kinetic energy , potential energy , and tile energy of the electromagnetic field .

  7. 手机发射的电磁场能穿透大脑,一些科学家在寻求答案来确定这是否能引起癌症或其它健康问题。

    Phones emit electromagnetic fields that can penetrate into the brain , and some scientists have sought to determine if this could cause cancer or other health problems .

  8. 结果表明,高频交变电磁场能有效抑制水体中有害微生物的生长繁殖,从而减少这些有害微生物带来的腐蚀问题。

    Results showed that it was effective to use HF electromagnetism technology for controlling the growth and reproduction of the germ in water and germ corrosion was reduced .

  9. 电磁场能对导电流体(钢液)中的不导电物质(非金属夹杂物)产生挤压力而使其分离,这一功能对生产洁净钢有着十分重要的意义。

    The electromagnetic field can bring about a pressure to the non-conductive substance ( non-metal inclusion ) and cause their segregation . This function is of very important significance to the production of clean steel .

  10. 高频电子水处理装置是利用高频电磁场能和高压静电能对电厂的灰水管道进行除垢、杀菌、灭藻、防锈、抑制腐蚀等。

    High frequency electronic water treatment installations remove sediments , kill bacteria and algas , prevent rusting and inhibit corrosion in ash disposal water pipes of power plants by means of high frequency electo-magnetic and static electric field energy .

  11. 结论脉冲电磁场治疗能促进周围神经再生。

    Conclusion The pulsing electromagnetic field could improve peripheral nerve regeneration .

  12. 应用电磁场互能公式简化电磁场公式的符号表示

    The simplification of formulas of electromagnetic fields by using mutual energy formula

  13. 电磁场互能公式在平面波展开理论中的应用

    The application of mutual energy formula in expansion of radiation field in plane waves

  14. 术后不同时期对大鼠坐骨神经进行组织学检查。结果:电磁场治疗能促进周围神经损伤后的轴索和髓鞘再生。

    After that , the histological changes of these rats ' sciatic nerves were observed at different time .

  15. 本文从基本原理上判定电磁场的能流密度概念在静场中是没有物理意义的。

    From the basic theory , it is concluded that the concept of electromagne-tic energy flux density is of no physical meaning to static fields .

  16. 施加保护渣或连续的高频电磁场都能显著降低拉坯阻力,而且拉坯速度越大,拉坯阻力下降的幅度越大;

    The mold flux and electromagnetic field could decrease the friction force obviously , and the degree of decreasing friction force increases with increasing casting speed .

  17. 电磁场也能引发荷电粒子的运动,这就是一定距离以外发射器传来的电磁波在传过接收装置天线时的情况。

    An electromagnetic field can also induce motion in charged panicles , which is what happens when the electromagnetic field of a distant transmitter moves past the antenna of receiving set .

  18. 太赫兹时域光谱技术是一种电磁辐射位相相干技术,利用飞秒脉冲激光泵浦产生和探测太赫兹电磁场辐射,能同时获得太赫兹脉冲的振幅和相位信息。

    The terahertz time-domain spectrum technique is a kind of coherent detection of electromagnetic radiation . By using femtosecond pulse laser pumped to produce and detection terahertz radiation it can gain terahertz pulse amplitude and phase information .

  19. 因横波可作测厚的波型,根据外加磁场的方向、线圈的几何形状以及电磁场的频率能决定换能器产生的波型,选定了由永磁铁和跑道形线圈合理组合来激发所需的横波。

    The direction of magnetic field , the coil geometry and the frequency of the electromagnetic field determine the wave type of transducer . Then we select the permanent magnet and the track coil to stimulate the shear wave .

  20. 特别的,传输线/格林函数混合模型利用传输线模型得到孔缝上的等效源,再结合格林函数计算腔体内的电磁场,因而能计算腔体内任意点场强和屏蔽效能。

    Further more , the transmission line / Green function hybrid model obtain equivalence magnetic current source by transmission line model , which can be used to calculate the field and shielding effectiveness of any point inside the cavity by the dyadic Green function .

  21. 利用电磁场的力能和热能效应,可以对熔融金属进行非接触性加热、搅拌、传输和形状控制,而采用其他手段则较难实现。

    Taking advantage of the force and the heat generated by electromagnetic field , one can heat or stir or transmit the molten metals or even control the shape of the molten metal in casting without contacting it , which cannot be easily done by other ways .

  22. 电磁场作用下原子能态跃迁几率的计算

    Calculation of the transition probability of atomic energy states in the electromagnetic interaction