
  • 网络ionospheric irregularity
  1. 多站多路径GPS信号研究低纬电离层不均匀体

    Investigation of low-latitude ionospheric irregularities by using multi-station GPS multi-link signals

  2. 利用上海地区GPS综合应用网提供的高时空分辨率的双频GPS观测资料,研究了该区域内一电离层不均匀体的产生、消亡过程。

    Based on the high spatio-temporal resolution GPS dual-frequency data provided by Shanghai GPS Comprehensive Application Network , an ionospheric heterogeneity and its process of arising and disappearing were monitored and studied .

  3. 大气重力波产生中纬电离层不均匀体的理论

    A theory of mid-latitude ionospheric irregularities produced by atmo - spheric gravity waves

  4. 暴时密度增强区附近电离层不均匀体研究

    Study of Ionospheric Irregularities in the Vicinity of SED Region During a Super Geomagnetic Storm

  5. 磁赤道异常区电离层F区不均匀体发展过程中的闪烁谱研究

    Scintillation spectra investigations during the evolution of irregularities in the equatorial F region

  6. 穿过电离层电子密度不均匀体的脉冲平均到达时间

    Mean Arrival Time of Pulse Signal Propagating Through Ionospheric Irregularities