
  • 网络Power Usage Effectiveness;PUE
  1. 在本例中,我们将介绍显示数据中心电源使用效率(PUE)的小部件。

    In this example , we will be describing a widget that shows the power usage effectiveness ( PUE ) of a data center .

  2. ,其中每个节点都是同类和无头的,关注的是总体拥有成本和总体电源使用效率。

    , where each node is homogeneous and headless and the focus is on total cost of ownership and power use efficiency overall .

  3. 通过在压电驱动器收缩时回收其在伸展时储存于其电场和应变场中的能量,来提高对驱动压电驱动器动作的激励电源使用效率。

    By recovering the energy that has stored in the electric field and strain field when some piezoelectric actuator extends during its contracting , we can improve the efficiency of the stimulant power supply which is used to drive the piezoelectric actuator .