
  • 网络microscale heat transfer
  1. 微尺度传热是近几年来发展起来的一种重要传热技术,广泛应用于高集成度的电子器件的冷却。大功率半导体激光器的热沉积是限制其性能发挥和功率进一步提高的瓶颈。

    The microscale heat transfer is an important cooling technique developed in recent years and applied widely to cool the Large Scale Integrated Circuit .

  2. 分析和测量微尺度下薄膜材料的热物性参数对微尺度传热理论分析和研究微器件的热传导能力、散热速度以及新器件的开发具有重要的意义。

    Analysis and measurement of thermophysical properties contribute to microscale heat transfer , heat transfer ability and heat dispersion velocity of micro-device and developing new micro-device .

  3. 基于格子Boltzmann方法的复合材料微尺度传热特征研究

    Study on the Microscale Thermal Transfer Characteristic of the Composite Material Based on Lattice Boltzmann Method

  4. 介绍微尺度传热的研究方法及成果、微型换热器的结构,分析松弛时间理论近似线性化Boltzmann方程散射项的实用性和局限性。

    Research methods and results of heat transfer in micro scale , and the construction of micro heat exchanger are introduced . The availability and inefficacy of the relax time theory to linearize the scatter parts of Boltzmann equation are analyzed .

  5. 另外,在微尺度传热传质问题的研究中,LBM刚刚起步,还存在两个关键问题需要解决,即松弛时间与Knudsen数之间的关系以及LBM的边界处理问题。

    In addition , the application of LBE to the microscopic gas flows still has two critical problems , that is , the relation between relaxation time and Knudsen number , another is the boundary treatment of LBE .

  6. 本文阐述了材料微型化的进程,介绍了热电制冷原理,对微尺度传热的研究现状进行了分类和概括。

    This paper elucidates the process of the material micromation , the theory of thermoelectricity cooling , and the recent research of micro-scale thermal transport ;

  7. 微尺度相变传热的关键问题

    Key issues related to microscale phase change heat transfer

  8. 微尺度相变传热中的不稳定现象

    The Instability Phenomena of Flow Boiling in Micro-tube

  9. 不同的沸腾传热区域内起主导作用的沸腾传热机制是不同的,从而揭示了控制微尺度沸腾传热的统一规律。

    The dominant boiling heat transfer mechanisms are different in different boiling heat transfer regions , and the unified law that controls the microscale boiling heat transfer was discovered .

  10. 固体微/纳米尺度传热理论研究进展

    Progress in microscale / nanoscale thermal transport in solid

  11. 以丙酮为工质,在三角形截面的硅基微通道内进行了微尺度沸腾传热实验研究。

    Experiments were performed to evaluate the micro-scale flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of acetone flowing through triangular silicon microchannels .

  12. 近年来,随着微系统的发展,越来越多的学者开始关注有关微尺度方面的研究,而微尺度下的传热传质问题也成为研究热点之一。

    In recent years , with developments of micro-systems , more and more researcher are concerned about the research in micro-scale , heat and mass transfer in micro-scale have became one of the focus .