
  • 网络convection
  1. 实验结果表明,在使用热风对流干燥软胶囊的过程中,热质传递存在着三维的分布与变化,在风速为2m/s、温度为27℃的热风中整个维E软胶囊表面温度达到平衡约需10min。

    The experimental results show that three-dimensional heat and mass transfer exist in the process of convective drying , the surface temperature of Vitamin E soft capsule needs about 10 min to reach heat balance at 2 m / s air velocity and 27 ℃ .

  2. 胭脂萝卜热风对流干燥过程的优化实验研究

    The optimal experiment study of the hot air convective drying processes for rouge & radish

  3. 针对目前广泛使用的热风对流干燥手段,对纸浆模塑制品进行了热风对流干燥实验。

    Pulp molded products hot air convective drying experiments was carried out in light of the extensive use of means of hot air convective drying .

  4. 可将辐射与热风对流结合使用,以最大限度地提高干燥速度,同时保证制品不发生变形、开裂。

    Gas radiators must be used together with hot air flow to get maximum drying speed while keeping ceramic product from changing shape or cracking .

  5. 热风对流可以在短时间内将“冷冻生面团”烘烤成面包,它是糕点连锁店和咖啡店的理想电器。

    The oven can brake bread from a " Frozen Dough " in a short time , ideal for a Bakery Chain and Coffee shops .

  6. 与传统热风对流干燥相比,热泵除湿应用于食品干燥有明显的优点,主要表现为节约能源、产品质量高、不受天气条件的影响等;

    Comparing to the traditional hot air-flow drying , when the function of expelling humidity of the heat pump is used in the food drying , it has obvious virtues of saving energy , high product quality , and not influence by the whether , and so on ;

  7. 对缫丝副产物湿蚕蛹的干燥过程进行了实验研究,采用垂直穿流热风强制对流干燥方式。

    The drying process of wet silkworm chrysalises , which are the subproducts of the silk production industry , is experimentally studied .