
  • 网络thermal expansibility;thermal expansion
  1. 石英砂热膨胀性的研究

    Study on Thermal Expansibility of Silica Sands

  2. 它具有润滑性、热膨胀性小、良好的导热导电性、广泛温区内的可使用性。

    It has lubricating property , small thermal expansibility , good thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity , applicability within wide temperature sections .

  3. 固相法合成负热膨胀性粉体ZrW2O8

    Synthesis of negative thermal expansion material ZrW_2O_8 powders using solid state reaction

  4. 化学法制备负热膨胀性ZrW2O8粉体及薄膜

    Synthesize of Negative Thermal Expansion ZrW_2O_8 Powders and Film by Chemical Method

  5. 共沉淀法制备负热膨胀性ZrW2O8粉体及其粒径控制初探

    Synthesis and Primary Particle Size Control Study on Negative Thermal Expansion ZrW_2O_8 Powders Using Co-precipitation Method

  6. 制备方法对负热膨胀性ZrW2O8粉体的颗粒大小以及负热膨胀性能影响的研究

    Effect of Preparation Method on Particle Size and Negative Thermal Expansion Property of Negative Thermal Expansion ZrW_2O_8 Powders

  7. SiO2/环氧(E(44))热膨胀性渐变的梯度功能材料(FGM)设计中的数学模型极其热应力分析

    Mathematical model on the design of the SiO_2 / epoxy resin thermal expansion coefficient graded materials and stress analysis of FGM plates

  8. 通过对无铅碱硼硅酸盐釉的氧化物体系的试验研究,分析了釉组分中SiO2,B2O3及金属氧化物对釉的热膨胀性、表面张力及坯釉结合层形成等方面的影响作用。

    This paper studies a oxides system from borosilicate type leadless glaze . After the glaze was analyzed the effect of the contents of SiO_2 , B_2O_3 and other metallic oxides on such performances of thermal expansion , surface tension and interaction between the glaze and the china body .

  9. 堇青石-莫来石复合材料是以MgO-Al2O3-SiO2系为基础的材料,不仅具有良好的热膨胀性和热震稳定性等高温性能,而且还具有极佳的电绝缘性。

    Cordierite-mullite composites based on MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system-based material , not only has good thermal expansion and thermal shock resistance and other high-temperature performance , but also has excellent electrical insulation .

  10. 热膨胀性中空微球皮革消光补伤剂的研制

    Investigation of Hollow Microparticle Defect-covering Agent with Heat-expansion and Matting Properties

  11. 通过计算,分析接头在符合导流、结构支撑功能的基础上,确定最优方案,并计算热膨胀性引起的最大摩擦力,满足设计要求。

    Finally , Scheme is confirmed the most friction from heat dilatability is calculated .

  12. 立方氮化硼的热膨胀性

    Thermal expansion of cubic boron nitride

  13. 对我国浙南温州渡船头伊利石矿的热膨胀性及其机理进行了研究。

    The thermal swellability and its mechanisms of illite from Duchuantou in Zhejiang province were discussed .

  14. 通过添加不同单一填料以及共混填料改善复合型人造大理石结构层热膨胀性。

    The thermal expansion of the structure layer has been improved through filling different single filling materials and the mixture of the two different filling materials .

  15. 研究了利用金矿尾砂熔制玻璃的方法,测定了基础玻璃的抗折强度、化稳性、密度、热膨胀性等理化性能。

    In this article , the method of producing the glass from the goldmine-tails has been studied , and the bending strength , chemical stability , density , thermal expansivity of the glass have been measured .

  16. 本试验研究结果表明:采用4配方经烧成温度为1330℃,保温时间为6小时后合成堇青石的常温指标较好,而且该试样具有较低的热膨胀性、合成堇青石的含量较高。

    The test results show that : By holding time is 6 hours at 1330 ℃, performances of synthetic cordierite by the 4 # recipe are better , and the cordierite samples have low thermal expansion and content of synthetic cordierite is most .

  17. 试验研究发现,涂层在形成过程中受到热膨胀性、主要成份及含量、铺展性等多种因素影响,尤其以涂层与基体之间的热膨胀匹配最为重要。

    In the course of formation , coat has been found to influence by some factors , such as thermal expansibility , main components and their contents , and spread ability , especially thermal expansion match between coat and matrix was most important .

  18. 并通过对试样进行化学稳定性、热膨胀性、光泽度、堆烧、粘度测试、印花彩烤等一系列对比实验考察所用外加剂对熔剂性能的影响。

    And through a series of contrastive experiments of the samples for their chemical stabilities , thermal expansions , luster degrees , pile burn , viscosity test , screen printing and decoration firing , the impacts on the performance of the flux are studied .

  19. 方法:以HDS为对照,测试CDS与氧化铝的热膨胀匹配性,并测试HDS和CDS的凝固时间及凝固膨胀率。

    The setting time and setting expansion rate of CDS were measured with routine technique . Results : CDS showed much smaller thermal expansion with Al 2O 3 base coping than HDS .

  20. 蛭石的热双氧水膨胀性和有机插层性能研究双层节能隔热外墙技术在平房仓改造中的应用

    Investigation of Thermal Chemical Expantion Performance and Organic Intercalation Technique on Vermiculite

  21. 用锥形量热仪研究膨胀性非卤阻燃聚丙烯阻燃性膨胀的关于膨胀的或有膨胀特征的

    Research on Flame Retardancy of Intumescent Halogen-Free Flame-Retardant Polypropylene Using Cone Calorimeter

  22. 分析了瞬时线膨胀系数与平均线膨胀系数的差异以及不同钢种间热膨胀的差异性。

    The difference of the value of the real thermal expansion coefficient and the average thermal expansion coefficient , and the difference of thermal expansion among the given steel grades were analyzed .

  23. 结合剂与CBN磨料热膨胀系数的匹配性是影响CBN磨具强度的一个重要因素。通过实验发现,结合剂与CBN磨料的热膨胀系数之差应不大于5.2×106/℃;

    The matching of thermal expansion coefficient of vitrified bond to CBN abrasive is a very important factor , and the difference of thermal expansion coefficient between vitrified bond and CBN abrasives should be less than 5.2 × 10 - 6 / ℃ .

  24. 材料热膨胀系数非一致性的原因

    Reasons for inconsistency of material thermal expansion coefficient

  25. 经700℃热再生的石英砂的热膨胀性低于同类新砂。

    The expansions after reclamation at 700 ℃ is lower than that of the new sands .

  26. 探讨了硅微粉的加入对浇注料的热震稳定性、抗渣侵蚀性和热膨胀性的影响。

    The influences of microsilica on thermal shock resistance , slag resistance and thermal expansion of castables are investigated .

  27. 本文研究了不同热处理条件下时效处理的氧化镁部分稳定氧化锆的电导、热膨胀和抗震性的变化。

    The conductivity , thermal expansion and thermal shock resistance of MgO partially stabilized zirconia have been studied using the two-step heat treatment .