
  • 网络pulse reactor;Pulsed reactor
  1. 西安脉冲反应堆回路水中放射性活度测量

    Radioactivity measurement of the coolant water in loop of Xi ' an pulse reactor

  2. 介绍了利用γ能谱法无损测定西安脉冲反应堆单棒燃料元件燃耗的方法。

    A method for the nondestructive determination of fuel burn-up in Xian Pulse Reactor ( XAPR ) by gamma-ray spectroscopy is introduced .

  3. 四极质谱法研究激光烧蚀Y1Ba2Cu3O(7-δ)产物的分布铀氢锆脉冲反应堆及其应用

    A Quadrupole Mass Spectrometric Study on Pulsed Laser Ablation of The Pulsed Reactor and Its Application

  4. 实验中用激活片直接测量了西安脉冲反应堆中子照相捕集器表面不同位置处的中子总通量,计算中用蒙特卡罗MCNP程序计算了各激活片上正反方向的中子通量比;

    The total neutron fluence at various places on the capture apparatus ' surface was measured by the activation method , and the fluence ratios of incident to reflected neutrons at these places were calculated by MCNP .

  5. 通过对脉冲反应堆辐照腔中子能谱的测量计算,总结了提高SAND-II解谱准确性的主要途径。

    By measuring and calculating the neutron spectra in exposure room of Pulsed Reactor , the main ways to improve the accuracy of the solution spectra with SAND-II have summarized .

  6. 我国第一座脉冲反应堆是座小型池式研究堆,采用铀氢锆(UZrH(1.6))燃料-慢化剂粗棒元件。

    The first pulsed reactor in our country is a small pool type research reactor , using a solid homogeneous mixture of enriched uranium and zirconium hydride rod as its fuel-moderator elements .

  7. 西安脉冲反应堆辐照腔参数理论计算分析

    Analysis of Theory Parameter Calculation in Irradiation Cavity for Xi'an Pulsed Reactor

  8. 西安脉冲反应堆稳态及方波运行核测量仪表研制

    Development of Xi'an Pulsed Reactor Stability Operation and Square Operation Nuclear Instruments

  9. 脉冲反应堆失水事故分析

    Analysis of Loss of Coolant Accident for Pulsed Reactor

  10. 介绍了我国自主研制的第一套商用脉冲反应堆脉冲参数测量装置(西安脉冲堆脉冲参数测量装置)的设计方案、系统组成、工作原理、技术特点和应用情况。

    The paper introduces the Pulse Parameter Measurement System of Xian Pulsed Reactor .

  11. 快中子脉冲反应堆爆发脉冲时堆体应力分布的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Stress Distribution for Fast Burst Reactor Under Pulsed Operation

  12. 快中子脉冲反应堆厅内空气中裂变产物污染的研究

    Study of air contamination of fission product inside the fast burst reactor hall

  13. 脉冲反应堆动态参数研究

    Kinetic Parameters Research for Pulsed Reactor

  14. 我国第一座脉冲反应堆

    The First Pulsed Reactor in China

  15. 铀氢锆脉冲反应堆及其应用

    The Pulsed Reactor and Its Application

  16. 本文研究了快中子脉冲反应堆大厅内空气中裂变产物的污染问题。

    In this paper , the air contamination of fission products inside the Fast Burst Reactor hall have been studied .

  17. 核一院是我国从事核反应堆工程研究、设计、融科学研究和工程设计于一体的设计单位,先后设计了我国首座核动力装置和第一座脉冲反应堆。

    By integrating scientific research and engineering design , the design faculty successively designed the first nuclear power unit and the first pulsed reactor in China .

  18. 介绍了PRC&Ⅱ脉冲反应堆(中国第二座脉冲反应堆)事故分析中所使用的计算模型、计算机程序、瞬态结果、敏感性研究、设计改进和安全评价。

    The computer codes , calculation models , transient results , sensitivity research , design improvement , and safety evaluation used in accident analysis for PRC - I Reactor ( The Second Pulsed Reactor in China ) are introduced .

  19. 长脉冲托卡马克反应堆堆心物理

    Physics of long pulse tokamak reactor plasma

  20. 本文介绍了我国自行设计建造的首座脉冲型实验反应堆的堆芯核设计、计算模型和程序以及计算结果与零功率实验值的分析比较。

    This Paper outlines the nuclear design , calculating model and codes for the first pulsed type research reactor developed by NPIC . The comparison between the calculation results and the zero power experiments is given also .