
  • 网络impulse radiation
  1. 安排了各种各样的测试项目,实施物理测量都是通过物理试验产生的各种脉冲辐射场信号进行测量。

    Many signals such as signals of impulse radiation and magnetic field from physical experiments can be measured through various physical measure methods .

  2. 脉冲辐射多路信号测量中,进行时间关联,对于分析相关脉冲及其发展过程,研究它们之间的内在规律是十分必要的。

    Time correlation is necessary for analyzing correlation impulse and its development process , researching its intrinsic rule when measuring impulse radiation multi - way signal .

  3. 近距离n,γ混合脉冲辐射场中γ辐射探测技术

    Technique of γ Radiation Detection in Close Distance n , γ Commix Pulse Radiation Field

  4. 结果表明:涂层B较涂层A、玻璃钢和硬铝具有更好的抗脉冲辐射性能;

    The results show that compared with paint A , Ly-12 aluminum and GFRP , paint B has better anti-radiation performance .

  5. 电磁脉冲辐射对原癌基因c-fos调控区的影响

    Effects of EMP on Regulatory Regions of c-fos Gene

  6. 用三维FDTD法对蝶形天线的窄脉冲辐射特性进行了数值模拟;

    It presents the analysis of radiating properties of a bow-tie antenna using FDTD method .

  7. 提出了一种新的硅PIN探测器组合结构,使其适用于n、γ混合脉冲辐射场中脉冲中子的测量。

    A new type combination PIN detector was designed for measuring neutron in the neutrons and ? mixture pulse radiation field . We have measured the ?

  8. 目的动态观察高场强电磁脉冲辐射(highpowerelectromagneticpulse,HEMP)对小鼠肝细胞核DNA含量及倍体的影响,探讨电磁辐射的生物学效应。

    Aim To observe the changes of high power electromagnetic pulse ( HEMP ) on UNA content ana DNA ploidy of mice hepatocellular nuclear and explore the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation on liver .

  9. n,γ混合脉冲辐射场中,在近距离、辐射强度低且中子辐射峰值比被测γ辐射峰值强度高的情况下,传统γ辐射探测技术实施起来面临困难。

    It is difficult to detect low intensity γ radiation by using traditional γ radiation detection technique in a close distance n , γ commix pulse radiation field with very high intensity neutron radiation .

  10. 通过实验测量和理论分析,从载流子动力学角度研究了用于脉冲辐射探测的CVD金刚石薄膜探测器的适用结构、电荷收集效率和时间响应性能。

    The dark current , charge collection efficiency and time response properties of CVD diamond film detectors are studied based on experiments and their theoretic analysis .

  11. 本文4、5部分就是采用矩量法,并通过Matlab程序实现了对平面螺蜷天线、圆锥螺蜷天线、V型蝴蝶结天线的宽频带参数特性分析和脉冲辐射特性研究。

    In part 4 and part 5 , the pulse radiation characteristic and the parameter in bandwidth of the planar Equiangular Spiral antennas , conical spiral antenna , and V-shaped bow-tie antenna are researched by the Method of Moment and the Matlab procedure .

  12. 以冲击脉冲辐射天线(IRA)为负载,测试了发生器输出脉冲波形,并结合天线工作原理对测试结果进行了合理分析。

    The impulse radiating antenna ( IRA ) as the load , the test results were analyzed through testing pulse output waveform in conjunction with the antenna work principle .

  13. 介绍了一套自行研制的高功率超宽谱电磁脉冲辐射场测量系统,该系统主要由TEM喇叭接收天线、同轴传输线、宽带示波器及微型计算机组成。

    In this paper , a measurement system of UWS electromagnetic pulse radiating field is developed , which consisted of TEM horn , coaxial transmitting line , wide band oscillograph and data processing software for the compensation of signal attenuation and aberration .

  14. 最后把脉冲辐射bow-tie天线实际应用到超宽带冲激雷达系统的探测实验中,验证了天线的实际应用性。

    Finally the pulse radiation bow-tie antenna is put into practical application of the ultra-wideband impulse radar system detection experiments and thus verifies the practical applicability of the antenna .

  15. 目的探讨应用超声声脉冲辐射力成像技术(ARFI)在窒息后早产儿脑损伤中的临床应用价值。

    Objective To assess brain injury in early prematures with asphyxia using ultrasound acoustic radiation force impulse imaging ( ARFI ) .

  16. 研究背景声脉冲辐射力成像(ARFI)是一种可用于评价组织弹性的新型超声弹性成像方式。

    Background Acoustic radiation force impulse imaging ( ARFI ) is a newly developed technique for the evaluation of tissue stiffness .

  17. 工频电磁场辐射检测标准的现状及检测点设置的探讨25~100MHz频段闪电脉冲辐射能量频谱特征

    The Standard Actuality of the Power Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Study of the Determining Spot in its Examining LIGHTNING ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION FIELD SPECTRA IN THE INTERVAL FROM 25 TO 100 MHz

  18. 电磁脉冲辐射条件为6×104V/m,脉冲上升时间为20ns,脉宽为30μs,频率为2.5脉冲/min,作用2min。

    EMP radiation was in 6 × 104 V / m , with pulse rise time of 20 ns , pulse width of 30 μ s , frequency of 2.5 pulses / min , totally for 2 minutes .

  19. 该装置利用一台5MeV辐照用电子直线加速器作脉冲辐射源,电子束脉宽2μs,流强200mA。

    Using a 5 MeV scanning linac as the pulsed radiation source , the system could provide a 2 microsecond width and 200 mA single pulse . The non-interrupt beam monitor was used to monitor the beam current .

  20. 利用LSG-8015型雷电浪涌发生器与平行板传输线配合模拟雷电电磁脉冲辐射场,对整装状态下水平放置的某型火箭弹进行了辐照试验。

    The experiment of lighting radiation effect on rocket is done by using LSG-8015 lighting surge generator which establishes lightning electromagnetic pulse radiation field . The induced voltage of rocket electric ignition system at different discharge voltage level is compared .

  21. 电磁脉冲辐射对小鼠睾丸血-睾屏障的影响

    Radiation effects of electromagnetic pulses on mouse blood - testis barrier

  22. 超宽带电磁脉冲辐射传播特性研究

    A study about the radiation propagation property of UWB electromagnetic pulse

  23. D.CCD视频技术、等离子体诊断和脉冲辐射摄影

    CCD video technology , plasma diagnostics and devices of pulsed radiography

  24. 1GW重复频率超宽带单周期脉冲辐射源实验研究

    Experimental Investigation of 1 GW Repeatable Ultra-wide band Pulse Radiating Source

  25. 高剂量率单次快脉冲辐射参量测量

    Measuring the radiation parameters of single high dose rate fast pulse

  26. 并联介质加载环天线的脉冲辐射特性研究

    Research on Pulse Radiation Characteristics of the Dielectric Parallel-loaded Wire Loop Antenna

  27. 电磁脉冲辐射对小鼠血细胞的影响

    Effect of electromagnetic pulse irradiation on blood cell in mice

  28. 线框馈电抛物反射面高功率电磁脉冲辐射天线

    High power pulse radiation antenna with wire frame TEM horn feedback paraboloid

  29. 这些被侵蚀的纹路显示出明显的脉冲辐射,而且他们非常的直。

    These etched lines showed obvious pulsing and they were very straight .

  30. 超宽带脉冲辐射源中平衡非平衡转换器的设计

    Design of the Balun in the Ultra-Wideband Pulse Radiant Source