
  1. 缺硼使叶重比(LWR)提高和叶片脉间失绿、变厚、变脆。

    The boron deficiency plant appears inter-venial chlorosis , thickening , crisping leaves and increased leaf weight ratio ( LWR ) .

  2. 解剖结构:因缺素造成叶片脉间失绿和发黄部位是叶肉细胞内的叶绿体数目及内含物减少,液泡化明显的结果。

    Anatomical structure : As a result of vacuolation and reduction of the number inclusion and of chloroplast , the leaf space between veins showed chlorisis and etiolation .

  3. 植物缺铁,叶片脉间失绿,叶肉发黄甚至变白,叶片缩小,如果缺铁症状严重,会引起生长停滞甚至死亡,给农业生产造成严重损失。

    Iron deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis , mesophyll yellowing or paling and leaf size reduction and , if severe enough , retards the growth of the plants and may even cause their death , thus resulting in great losses to agricultural production .

  4. 不规则边缘和脉间区开始黄绿色,接着全部脉间失绿,并有大量褐色坏死斑点,最后枯萎。也是典型的田间情况。

    Irregular marginal and interveinal yellow green chlorotic areas , followed by general interveinal chlorosis and profuse brown necrotic spotting and scorching , typical also of field conditions .