
  • 网络Pulse forming line;pfl
  1. 一种Tesla型的螺旋脉冲形成线设计

    Design of a Spiral PFL Based on Tesla

  2. 带脉冲形成线的1.0MV紧凑型Tesla变压器

    A I.OMV compact Tesla transformer with PFL

  3. 在通过变压器对脉冲形成线充电的方案中,由于回路充电频率低,预脉冲电压幅值很小,只有kV量级。

    The frequency of the charging loop circuit is low enough that the peak pre-pulse voltage is only on kV level as PFL is charged through a transformer .

  4. 描述了用乙二醇与去离子水的混合物作为脉冲形成线(PEL)绝缘储能介质的固有时间常数与温度、浓度的关系特性。

    The relation of intrinsic time constant with temperature and mixture ratio of water and ethylene glycol mixtures which are used for pulse forming lines is presented .

  5. TIA-450型碳离子加速器双脉冲形成线原理研究

    Research of the Principle of Double Pulse Forming Line in TIA-450 Carbon Ion Accelerator

  6. 设计了长2.2m、直径0.40m、工作电压400kV、脉宽200ns的螺旋线型水介质脉冲形成线加速器,并进行了实验研究。

    Based on a water-dielectric helix line , a 2.2 m long accelerator with a diameter of 0.4 m was designed and tested .

  7. 另外,为了研究10级IVA单个感应单元的响应特性,研制了一台输出阻抗约3?,脉宽约230ns的Blumlein型卷绕型带状脉冲形成线。

    In addition , to study the response characteristics of the induction cell , a rolled strip pulse forming line with an impedance of 3 ?

  8. 输出参数为500kV/400kA/100ns的快速z箍缩(z-pinch)装置由Marx发生器、脉冲形成线、充气型V/N主开关、传输线及负载组成。

    A ( 500 kV / 400 kA / 100 ns ) z-pinch device was constructed using a Marx generator , a pulse forming line ( PFL ), a gas-filled V / N field distortion switch , a transfer line , and a z-pinch load .

  9. 介绍了一种由Tesla变压器和同轴脉冲形成线组成的高功率、高重复频率的脉冲发生器,其特点是结构紧凑,容易实现小型化。

    The operative repetition rate and miniaturization are important to the application of pulse power generator . This paper presents the high power repetitive pulse generator which consists of Tesla transformer with special magnet core and coaxial pulse forming line .

  10. 介绍了紧凑型Tesla变压器的工作原理和功能特点,在此基础上对电压1.0MV、重复频率100Hz的Tesla变压器和阻抗40Ω、宽度40ns的脉冲形成线(PFL)进行了一体化结构设计。

    The theory and characteristic of a compact Tesla transformer are introduced , and an unitized configuration design is performed for 1.0 MV , 100 Hz Tesla transformer and 40 Ω, 40 ns pulse forming line ( PFL ) .

  11. 螺旋线型脉冲形成线匝间击穿与输出波形的研究

    Breakdown between adjacent turns and output waveform of helix pulse forming line

  12. 螺旋线型水介质长脉冲形成线的设计与改进

    Design and improvement of water-dielectric helix long-pulse forming line

  13. 乙二醇水混合物作脉冲形成线绝缘介质的研究

    The Study of Dielectric Properties of Water and Ethylene Glycol Mixtures as Pulse Forming Lines

  14. 螺旋脉冲形成线实验研究。

    Experimental study on helical Blumlein line .

  15. 介绍了一种水介质脉冲形成线强流电子束加速器的输出开关的设计和实验结果。

    A compact output switch for a water pulse forming line ( PFL ) e-beam accelerator was designed .

  16. 通过实验研究了充电介质、螺旋匝数及形成线结构与螺旋脉冲形成线特性参量间的数值关系。

    The relations between dielectric , numbers of circles and the characteristic parameters of the helical line were studied .

  17. 对卷绕型带状脉冲形成线进行了理论分析、电场模拟和实验研究。

    The theoretical analysis , electric field simulation , and experimental investigation are carried out on the rolled strip line .

  18. 此变压器可用于低阻抗陶瓷脉冲形成线输出端的阻抗变换。

    This transformer can be used to realize the output impedance transformation of the ceramic pulse forming line with low characteristic impedance .

  19. 通过对脉冲形成线放电过程的分析,导出了螺旋线型脉冲形成线所形成脉冲的频谱函数和波形函数。

    According to the study on PFL discharge process , the spectrum and waveform functions for the pulse formed by helical PFL are also deduced .

  20. 采用螺旋形结构的脉冲形成线能在形成同样脉冲宽度的前提下大大缩短形成线的长度。

    It can reduce the length of the pulse forming line on the premise of forming the same output pulse width to adopt a helical structure .

  21. 这一结果不仅有利于脉冲形成线的小型化,还能提高以水为储能介质的储能系统的储能密度。

    Thus by using pressured water as dielectrics , the energy density of the energy system could be enhanced notablely and the PFL could be miniaturized too .

  22. 研究表明由变压器副边电感和脉冲形成线电容构成的回路充电频率和接地电感的大小是影响预脉冲电压幅值的主要因素。

    It is shown that what affect the amplitude of pre-pulse voltage are the grounding inductance and the frequency of the charging loop circuit , which is determined by the secondary coil inductance of transformer and the capacitance of PFL .

  23. 长脉冲能源给脉冲形成线充电过程中的预脉冲现象

    Pre-pulse phenomena in pulse forming line charging-up by long pulse energy sources through a transformer

  24. 本文主要介绍几种亚纳秒脉冲的形成技术,其中包括脉冲形成线截取技术和脉冲压缩技术。

    In this paper , some sub-nanosecond pulses forming technology , including the intercepting and compressing technology of forming pulses is introduced .

  25. 目前产生高压纳秒脉冲的高压源以Marx发生器和脉冲形成线结合为主。

    Most of the high voltage nanosecond pulse generator is combined with Marx Generator and pulse-forming line at present .

  26. 本文设计了一种用于600kV长脉冲功率源研究的Blumlein型螺旋脉冲形成线。

    This paper presents a kind of helical pulse forming line which is devised for long pulse accelerator research .

  27. 为消除输出脉冲的前沿上冲和后沿拖尾现象,分析了脉冲形成线中的连接段与螺旋线阻抗的不匹配对输出波形的影响。

    The influence of the impedence mismatching between the joint section in pulse forming line and the helical line on the voltage waveform of the diode was analyzed .

  28. 在脉冲功率领域,脉冲变压器型充电系统具有结构紧凑、体积小等特点,所以常用电容器对其放电来代替Marx发生器给加速器的脉冲形成线(PFL)充电。

    In pulse power field , the high power pulse transformer type charging system with storage capacitors is widely used to substitute the traditional Marx generator for Pulse Forming Line ( PFL ) charging , because of its compact structure , small volume .