
  • 网络beam intensity
  1. 原子氧与飞行器表面撞击的束流强度和能量

    The beam intensity and energy of the impact of atomic oxygen with spacecraft face

  2. 作用到不同姿态表面的原子氧的束流强度和能量不同。

    It is different that Atomic Oxygen beam intensity and energy for acting on differential faces .

  3. 在考虑到加速器束流强度稳定性的基础上,90%扫描宽度的扫描均匀度可达到23%(规一化RMS)。

    When beam stability of accelerator is considered , scanning uniformity in 90 % scanning range can be 2.3 % ( normalized RMS ) .

  4. 安装了ECR离子源及其外注入系统后,增加了离子种类、提高了束流强度。

    The ECR ion source , beam line from ECR to SFC and electrostatic inflector have been designed and installed to increase ion species and beam intensity .

  5. 利用该系统可以实时、直观地获得加速器束流强度的相对分布曲面,给出任意剖面的束流强度分布曲线和FWHM、半影、峰值、对称度、均整度等参数。

    This system helps to obtain all the physical characters of the beam in any section plane , such as FWHM , penumbra , peak value , symmetry and homogeneity .

  6. 兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环工程(HIRFLCSR)主环和实验环上带电粒子束流强度的测量和监视拟由环型束流变压器实现。

    The intensity of a pulsed beam of charged particles in the Cooling Storage Ring Project of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou ( HIRFL-CSR ) will be measured with a toroidal current transformer .

  7. 叙述了用金属筒来增强ECR2离子源的高电荷态离子束流强度。

    The enhancement of charge state ion beam intensities in ECR2 ion source with metal tube is introduced in the paper .

  8. 电子枪单能电子束流强度稳定装置的研制

    A beam stabilization apparatus for single energy electron gun

  9. 线性拟合示,剂量当量率与束流强度呈正比。

    There was a linear fit between the radiation dose rate and the target current .

  10. 计算结果对根据物理实验需要在高能量与束流强度之间进行取舍有一定的指导意义。

    The result is helpful for compromising between beam energy and beam intensity when designing a tandem experiment .

  11. 根据重离子治癌的逐片照射思想得到了束流强度计算式和照射时间关系式,并利用它们分别计算出了磁扫描的束流强度、最大扫描速度、最小束斑停留时间等技术参数。

    Two formulae for the beam intensity and irradiation time calculation respectively were derived from the slice-by-slice idea of heavy-ion radiotherapy .

  12. 结果表明,超导透镜具有明显的聚焦效果,并可有效控制束流强度分布,使被聚焦电子在束横截面上的分布更为均匀。

    The results show that the superconductor lens possesses obvious focusing effects , and makes the distribution of the electrons focused in the beam transverse section evener .

  13. 本文简要介绍一台电子能量为2.2MeV、束流强度为25mA的电子辐照加速器的辐射防护设计。其主要内容是防护门设计中考虑的原则和计算方法。

    This paper presents the principles and calculation methods in design of shielding doors for an electron accelerator with maximum energy of 2.2 MeV and maximum beam intensity of 25 mA .

  14. 调强放疗则是在常规适形放疗技术的基础上,对射束内束流强度的空间分布进行调制,得到更好的治疗效果。

    Developed on the technology basis of conventional conformal radiotherapy , intensity modulated radiotherapy ( IMRT ) modulates the intensity spatial distribution in the incident beam , obtaining much better therapeutic effect .

  15. 高的D~+离子比(质子比)意味着可以降低对总束流强度的要求,亦可以减小无用离子引起的额外负载。

    Higher D ~ + ion fraction ( or proton fraction ) means that the required total beam current can be reduced , and the additional beam load of unwanted ions can also be reduced .

  16. 在回旋加速器外靶装置上和内靶装置上,选择了能量为24~27MeV,束流强度分别为9μA和140/μA的α粒子轰击银靶和电镀银靶。

    The beams indensity of a particles with energy of 24 ~ 27 MeV were selected to be 9 A and 140 A respectively for the external target and the internal target equipments of the cyclotron .

  17. 其中多个探测器及前放的线性不一致性和非线性以及X射线扇型束流的强度角分布导致图像出现水平条纹和明暗条带。

    The linear nonuniformity and nonlinearity of multiple detectors and the nonuniform intensity distribution of the X-ray sector beam result in horizontal striations in the scan image .

  18. 实验中赏试使用不同的靶材料和辅助气体产生负离子,以提高负离子束的束流强度。

    Different target materials and auxiliary gases were tried out in the experiment in order to increase the beam intensity .

  19. 研制了一台用于原子光刻的亚稳态氖原子束源,其束流强度可达33×1014atoms/s·Sr。

    A neon metastable beam source was built up , from which Neon metastable beam of the intensity of 3.3 × 10 14 atoms / s · Sr.

  20. 合肥光源注入过程中束流负载效应和束流强度限制

    Beam Loading Effects and Intensity Limit in the Injection Process of Hefei Light Source

  21. 在加速器上,离子束的强弱是反映其性能的重要参数之一,目前ECR、SFC和SSC加速的束流强度最大为10-5A量级,CSR为10-3A量级。

    On the accelerator , the strength of the beam is one of the important parameters that reflects its performance . At present , the accelerated beam strength of ECR , SFC and SSC has reached maximum 10-5 magnitude , 10-3 of CSR .