
shù fà
  • reach boyhood
  • teens;teenage
束发 [shù fà]
  • (1) [tie up hair]∶系结头发

  • (2) [teens]∶成童的年龄,15至20岁

  • 余自束发读书轩中。--明. 归有光《项脊轩志》

  1. 我懂得束发带的全部涵义。

    I know the full value of the snood .

  2. 未知预测:这件黑色的花边AlexanderMcQueen(亚历山大·麦克奎恩)迷你礼服展示了威廉斯的美腿,与她的金色束发造型形成鲜明的对比。

    Wild Card : This black lace Alexander McQueen mini would show off Williams ' legs and contrast with her platinum blonde crop .

  3. 照射时间分别为20、30和60s,出光孔处光斑直径为04mm,激光束发散角为79°。

    The irradiation time was 20 s , 30 s or 60 s. The diameter of light beam was 0 4 mm , with a scattering angle of 7 9 ° .

  4. 阈值法测量激光束发散角

    Divergence angle measurement of a laser beam by the threshold method

  5. 脉冲固体激光束发散角的测试与研究

    Measurement and Study on Divergence Angle of Pulse Solid-State Laser Beam

  6. 利用切割光束法测量激光束发散角

    Measurement Divergent Angle of Laser by Light Beam Cutting Method

  7. 强流离子束发射度仪研制

    Development of an Emittance Measurement Unit for High-current Ion Beam

  8. 激光束发散角精确测量的简便方法

    Simple Method of Measuring the Divergence Angle of Laser Beam

  9. 回旋加速器引出系统的传输矩阵和引出束发射度

    The transmission matrix for the cyclotron beam-extraction system and extracted beam emittance

  10. 好:束发用品要求符合区域公司卫生手册的建议。

    Good : Hair restraint policy follows recommendations in Division 's sanitation manual .

  11. 在她阴郁的束发带下,我看到了蔑视。

    Under her solemn fillet saw the scorn .

  12. 你在哪里找到我的滑雪束发带?

    Where did you find my ski headband ?

  13. 强流脉冲离子束发射度的测量

    Emittance measurements of high-current pulse ion beam

  14. 电子束发射度变化的解析估计

    Analytic estimation for the beam emittance change

  15. 本论文针对强流脉冲离子束发射度测量的特点,建立了发射度测量的方法。

    This dissertation established the method of emittance measurement especially for high-current pulsed ion beam .

  16. 缝丝法强流离子束发射度测量中系统误差的模拟研究

    Simulating study on systematic errors in measurements of high-current ion beam emittance with slit-wire method

  17. 磁共振双成像技术初探切伦科夫辐射双成像法测量电子束发射度

    A New Measurement of Electron Beam Emittance with Cerenkov Radiation " Double Imaging " Method

  18. 万用检查灯,固定在束发带上(专用医用灯除外)

    Examination lamp for general use fixed to a headband ( excl. specialized medical lamps )

  19. 秀发从发芯变得柔顺、强韧,束发后松开也不易留痕迹。

    Hair becomes soft and flexible from hair cores , showing no mark after hair-bundle .

  20. 束发带,针织或钩编纺织材料制,用于防塞及固定头发等

    Headband knitted or crocheted used as protection against the cold , to hold the hair in place etc

  21. 实验结果表明,修正三梯度方法是强流脉冲电子束发射度测量的一种有效的手段。

    The results show that the MTGM method is an effective way of emittance measurement for intense pulse electron beam .

  22. 介绍了对一台脉冲线加速器驱动虚火花放电装置产生的电子束发射度的测量工作。

    We report the emittance measurement of a electron beam produced in a pseudospark discharge device driven by a pulse line accelerator .

  23. 你的全套冬季跑步服装应该包括一件运动夹克,帽子或束发带、手套、紧身内衣和几件长袖衬衣。

    Your winter running wardrobe should include a running jacket , hat or headband , gloves , tights and a few long sleeve shirts .

  24. 在本届南非世界杯的赛场上,你再也看不见球员们蓬乱的头发和浓密的胡须,取而代之的是白胡子、“潮男”短发和束发带。

    Manes and bushy moustaches of soccer days past have been replaced by bleached beards ," city boy " crops and headbands at the World Cup in South Africa .

  25. 利用二元光学器件的相位补偿作用进行波面变换,将高斯光束变换为平面光束,达到减小激光测距仪光束发散角的目的。

    The principle of this method is to utilize the wavefront transformation of binary optics from Gauss wave to plate wave and to reduce the angle of the diffraction .

  26. 背单词—服装英语词汇在本届南非世界杯的赛场上,你再也看不见球员们蓬乱的头发和浓密的胡须,取而代之的是白胡子、“潮男”短发和束发带。

    The manes and bushy moustaches of soccer days past have been replaced by bleached beards , " city boy " and headbands at the World Cup in South Africa .

  27. 本文研究了非稳腔激光束发散度与腔的放大倍数的关系,并提出了非稳腔设计的原则。

    In this article we discuss the relation between the laser beam divergence and the amplification factor in unstable cavities and the principles for the design of unstable resonators are given .

  28. 以留简单的短发为好,但对直长发、长波浪、束发、盘发、中短发式也可酌情运用。

    To stay in a simple short hair as well , but straight hair , long wavy , hair , set hair , short hair can also be in the discretion to use .

  29. 本文探讨了利用多孔板法测量四维横向相空间中均匀分布以及高斯分布的电子束发射度的测量原理。

    For a electron beam in a uniform ( Waterbag ) or Gaussian distribution in the transverse 4-phase space , the measurement principle of the beam emittance with the pepper pot method is studied .

  30. 在被广交会拒之门外后,艾比奥来到了义乌。义乌是华东一个规模巨大的国际化集镇,数以千计的非洲商人来到这里,从20万摊贩手中购买从橡胶手套到束发带、从床单到女式内衣在内的各种东西。

    After being turned away from the fair , Mr Abior travelled to Yiwu , the vast international market town in eastern China where African traders come in their thousands to buy everything from rubber gloves to hairbands , from bedsheets to women 's underwear , from 200000 vendors .