
ér lì
  • lead an independent life
而立 [ér lì]
  • [thirty years of age] 指年至三十,学有成就。后来用而立指人三十岁

  • 三十而立。--《论语.为政》

  • 而立之年

  1. 四棵大树参天而立。

    Four tall trees stretched up to the heavens .

  2. 这个地区有许多学校比邻而立。

    The area has a number of schools in close proximity to each other .

  3. 每幢房子都紧挨着前面的房子而立。

    Each house was packed close behind its neighbour .

  4. 老人背火昂然而立

    The old man stood with his back to the fire , cresting up erect .

  5. 而立足于企业从外部获取技术的角度来研究跨国公司FDI过程中技术寻求模式的理论,则比较匮乏。

    But that based on enterprise obtaining technology from exterior asset was little .

  6. n.基本信条;真谛这个国家以全民自由的信条而立国。

    principle This country was founded on the principle of individual freedom for all .

  7. 要是行星X将其北极从地球一侧移向太空,会和地球的磁气圈并排而立吗?

    Is Planet X pointing its N Pole off into space to the side of Earth , assuming a side-by-side alignment with Earth 's magnetosphere ?

  8. 一位引人注目的女性&德国总理安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)逆风而立,她坚持认为目前没有快速解决方案。

    Against this storm stood a remarkable woman , Angela Merkel , insisting no quick fix was available .

  9. 难怪欧盟委员会预测,2009年拉脱维亚GDP可能会萎缩13%,而立陶宛和爱沙尼亚将分别缩水11%。

    No wonder the Commission forecasts that GDP may shrink by 13 per cent in Latvia , 11 per cent in Lithuania and 10 per cent in Estonia in 2009 .

  10. 平衡状态时立管中心线的孤长s取为自变量,而立管中心线的坐标X、Y和截面扭转角F以及管内拉力T则为孤长s的函数。

    The coordinates X and Y , twisting angle F , and the tension T are the four dependent variables , while the are length s in the equilibrium state is the independent variable .

  11. 一件1952年的迪奥(Dior)花纹点缀礼服与克里斯托弗•凯恩(ChristopherKane)2014年推出的“花瓣”系列时装并肩而立。

    a 1952 Dior couture dress with floral embellishment next to a piece from Christopher Kane 's botanical " petal " collection from 2014 .

  12. 本文通过4P策略研究了锋范产品如何进行产品的组合策略,跨级而立的产品策略提升了产品的形象。

    With the 4p strategies , this article studies how CITY makes combined strategy . The level crossing product strategy promotes the product image .

  13. 本设计针对工厂电气图的实际需求而立题,解决了在电气工程中数据查询、统计和汇总的实际需求,是对产品数据管理(PDM)系统的重要补充。

    The design stand by the fact of the electric drawing to settle down the need of data inquiring , count and sum in factory . It is an important supply the product data management ( PDM ) .

  14. 本届展览跨越巨大时空,看到了不同时装的共性与反差:皮尔•卡丹(PierreCardin)1968年设计的一件3D热成型裙与渡边淳弥(JunyaWatanabe)2015年设计的一件类似风格时装并肩而立;

    The show leaps across decades to find contrasts and commonalities : a Pierre Cardin 3D heat-moulded dress from 1968 next to a similar 2015 work by Junya Watanabe ;

  15. 本论文是基于云南省自然科学基金项目(2006A0018M)而立题的。

    The thesis is based on the Yunnan Province Fund ( 2006A0018M ) .

  16. 直到今天,当多数外援机构都已撤离,破损不堪的建筑物仍在道路两侧成排而立,民众还在等待政府发放补贴以便重建家园,而JuD的旗帜和救援者仍在现场提供协助。

    Even today , when most of the foreign aid agencies have gone , shattered buildings still line the roadside and people are still waiting for compensation from the government to build new houses , the JuD banners and helpers are still present .

  17. 你们并肩而立,象征着传统与进步的和谐共进。

    Together , you represent the harmony between tradition and progress .

  18. 大地在我们齐足而立的一线间轰然塌陷。

    And the ground caved in between where we were standing .

  19. 银行常常与大百货商店并肩而立。

    The banks usually exist here alongside the large multiple stores .

  20. 第三,教育伦理从何而立。

    Third , how the authority of educational ethics establishes .

  21. 同我们并肩而立,而不是骑在我们的身上。

    to stand by our side , not ride on our back .

  22. “挥拳而立”还要哭丧多久?

    How long will stands with a fist mourn ?

  23. 我看到你与我在纽约并肩而立

    I saw you beside me in New York .

  24. 秦兵马俑大都是向东而立。

    Most of the terracotta warriors stand facing east .

  25. 他们默默地垂首而立。

    They stood in silence with their heads bowed .

  26. 本课题正是瞄准了这个新的发展动向而立题的。

    This project is based on the new development .

  27. 国家权力的分布结构极不合理,权力过度集中于行政机关,而立法权被严重下放,司法权未得到应有体现。

    The distributing structure of the power is irrational .

  28. 21世纪新人生阶段初论&从六十而立论到百岁从心所欲不逾矩的若干问题

    Discussion of the New Life Stages in 21st Century

  29. 医者面对患者而立,行斜扳法。

    The doctor facing the patient do oblique pulling .

  30. 这个国家以全民自由的信条而立国。

    This country was founded on the principle of individual freedom for all .