
  1. 你有你的工作,你的娱乐,你的朋友,而我只有你。

    You have your work , your entertainment and your friend .

  2. 而我只有你相伴左右时才表现最好

    and I 'm at my best with you by my side .

  3. 你有你的工作、娱乐活动,还有好友,而我只有你;

    You have your work , your entertainment , and your friends . I have only you .

  4. 请好好对我,因为世界上最珍惜最需要你的爱心的是我,别生气太久,也别把我关起来,因为,你有你的生活,你的朋友,你的工作和娱乐,而我,只有你。

    Give me time to understand what you want of me Don 't be angry for me for long and don 't lock me up as punishment . You have your work , your entertainment and your firends . I have only you .

  5. 我爱你,维克多;我梦想着成为你的妻子的那一天。但是我不希望你只是因为你父母的意愿而娶我。只有在你幸福时我才会幸福。

    I love you , Victor , and I dream of the day when I shall be your wife.But I do not want you to marry me just because your parents wanted it . I can only be happy if you are happy .