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  1. 我信圣灵;我信圣而公之教会;

    I believe in the Holy Ghost : The holy Catholick Church ;

  2. 而公计计量基础是会计计量理论的重要组成部分。

    The basis of accounting measurement is the important part of its theory .

  3. 我信圣而公之教会。

    I believe in the Holy Spirit .

  4. 中国传统社会私忠观念强烈而公忠观念淡薄。

    In Chinese traditional society , private loyalty is intense , but Public loyalty is dim .

  5. 母鸟孵卵16天左右,而公鸟负责觅食。

    The female bird incubates the eggs for about sixteen days while the male brings food .

  6. 当狮仔年幼时,母狮和它们呆在一起,而公狮则外出觅食。

    When lion cubs are young , the mother stays with them while the father hunts for food .

  7. 而公序良俗是民法中的一项基本原则,集中体现了民法的立法精神。

    The public order and good isa basic principle in civil law , civil law embodies the spirit of the legislation .

  8. 早期关于圈养的猴子的研究表明,如果给它们选择,母猴喜欢玩娃娃而公猴去扒卡车。

    Earlier studies of monkeys in captivity have shown that , given a choice , females do prefer dolls whereas males will reach for a truck .

  9. 我信圣而公教会、诸圣的相通,罪过的赦免,肉身的复活,永恒的生命。

    I believe in the Holy Spirit , the holy Catholic Church , the communion of saints , the forgiveness of sins , the resurrection of the body and life everlasting .

  10. 渐渐的,黑人们学会了勇敢地拍案而起去反对这一残忍而不公的传统,正像他们对待3K党的态度转变那样。

    Little by little and day by day , they were learning to stand up bravely against a cruel and unjust tradition , which could be observed from their attitude toward the Ku Klux Klan .

  11. 收入少而有公义,胜过收入多却毫无正义。

    Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right .

  12. 而主人公是一个不同于其他弱视群体的特殊人群:侏儒。

    The protagonist in this video represents a dissimilar one of those , though : midgets .

  13. 竹公主照料花园,而老公公则外出到树林中砍竹。

    The princess looked after the garden and the old man went out into the woods for bamboo .

  14. 但是,凝视要求被凝视的对象能够被看见,而主人公却是看不见的人。

    The gaze requires that the object is seen , but the protagonist proclaims that he is an invisible man .

  15. 公正是社会追求的最终目的,也是司法的生命所在,而量刑公正则是司法公正的灵魂所在。

    Social justice is the ultimate meaning , is also pursuing judicial life place , and sentencing justice is judicial justice soul .

  16. 大多数观察人士都认为,这并非秘而不公的礼貌之事,而是对道琼斯的未来价值至关重要。

    One point on which most observers agree is that the issue is no esoteric nicety but is instead core to the future value of Dow Jones .

  17. 对此,大公国际表示,“跨境监管”事关国家主权,可以通过国家间监管部门协商或国际通行的“监管互助”解决,而大公申请美国评级资质完全是一种市场行为。

    Dagong said SEC 's sole reason for denying its application is the commission can 't conduct cross-border supervision over the Chinese firm , a touchy issue involving national sovereignty .

  18. 我信圣灵,我信圣而大公之教会、我信圣徒相通,我信罪得赦免,我信身体复活;我信永生。

    I believe in the Holy Spirit , the holy universal Church , the communion of the saints , The forgiveness of sins , The resurrection of the body , And life everlasting .

  19. 现代部门法意义上的社会法是以社会保障法为主体的法律总体,而以公、私法为标准而产生的社会法是社会性法,是以社会利益为调整对象的法律总体。

    The former is the totality of laws with social security law as its main body , while the latter is law totality with social property , the regulated of which is social benefits .

  20. 而当公权力不能满足这一点时,就无力涉足相应的权利空间,只能以自诉或者当事人主义等所谓的放任主义原理来处理国家和个人的关系。

    When the public authority can not meet this point , unable to set foot on the right of the corresponding space , or the parties private prosecution can only be called laissez-faire doctrine and other principles to deal with the relationship between state and individual .

  21. 此外,真正的统治者,从某些方面看来是一位,相信,Thrasymachus,believes,有勇气为自身利益,而做出不公情事的人。

    Again , the true ruler , in some ways , is one , Thrasymachus who has the courage to act unjustly for his own interest .

  22. 我们如何保护自己,不会因激情而导致不公?

    How can we protect ourselves ? from the passion for injustice ?

  23. 一头大公鹿可以造成很严重的伤害,而这头公鹿又确实很大。

    A big buck can do a lot of damage , and this one was certainly big .

  24. 而实际上控制公权力的行使与公务员权利的救济和保障是一个问题的两个方面,既不能混淆,也不能截然分开。

    Virtually the controlling of public rights and the relief and protection of civil servants ' rights are the two sides of this matter . They can neither be mixed nor separated .

  25. 不管是在爱情还是在婚姻中,男人始终是强者,而男女主人公身上体现出的雌雄同体特质则反映出这种二元对立的消解。

    No matter in love or marriage , men are always stronger than women . The androgynous traits the hero and heroine display reflect the reconciliation of the binary opposition between male and female .

  26. 鹦鹉被关在用名贵的玉做成的鸟笼中,因为它有奇妙的说话声,而女主人公幽居在富丽的闺阁中则因她有美丽的容貌和唱歌的天赋。

    The parrot is confined to a jeweled cage because of its magic sound to talk , just as she is confined to a luxurious boudoir because of her beauty and gift as a singer .

  27. 一些学者认为社会公正主要指社会制度的公正,而社会不公很大程度上来自于制度的不完善,因此提出通过进一步完善制度及监督机制来解决公正问题。

    Some scholars believe that the main means of social justice just social system and social injustice from a system imperfect , and therefore should be adopted to further improve the system and monitoring mechanisms to address justice .

  28. 当前,各级地方政府将注意力集中于公租房的建设,而忽视了公租房后期的管理,导致公租房后期管理产生诸多问题。

    Currently , local governments is focusing on the construction of public rental housing , while ignoring the late-stage management of it , resulting in many problems are generated in the phase of the late-stage management of public rental housing .

  29. 而以国家公权力为后盾的民事执行权行使的好坏,势必会关系着当事人的合法权利能否顺利实现,关系着司法权威能否有效树立,进而成为影响社会稳定的一个重要因素。

    And backed by state power to exercise civil enforcement powers of good and bad , between the parties is bound to the smooth realization of the legitimate rights , relations with the judicial authority can effectively establish , thereby affecting social stability as an important factor .

  30. 你会喜欢上他们:一位由可爱而孤独的主人公(汤姆·汉克斯饰),一个平凡而迷人的女主角(梅格·瑞恩饰),和可爱的孩子们。

    It has everything you need : a cute and lonely protagonist12 played by Tom Hanks , a plain , but charming heroine ( Meg Ryan ) , and adorable kids .