
  • 网络Lesley University
  1. 我最近与马萨诸塞州坎布里奇莱斯利大学(LesleyUniversity)的教育学荣休教授南茜·卡尔松-佩奇(NancyCarlsson-Paige)有过一番交谈。卡尔松-佩奇称,这种趋势反映了对“孩子的学习过程深深的误解”。

    One expert I talked to recently , Nancy Carlsson-Paige , a professor emerita of education at Lesley University in Cambridge , Mass . , describes this trend as a " profound misunderstanding of how children learn . " She regularly tours schools , and sees younger students floundering to comprehend instruction :

  2. 是莱斯利大学的助理教授,任职于教育学院。

    I am an assistant professor at the Lesley University , in the School of Education .