
  • 网络legolas
  1. 精灵弓箭、箭囊,莱戈拉斯的配备。

    Elvish bow , arrows and quiver , which are used by Legolas .

  2. 假设我们能训练出许多像莱戈拉斯那样能在8秒内射出7支箭的射手。

    Let 's assume we can train our archers to replicate Legolas 's fire rate of seven arrows in eight seconds .

  3. 这里不是莱戈拉斯人呆的地方。

    This is no place for a hobbit .

  4. 既然在观众看来,莱戈拉斯的飞快速度还没有到物理上不可能的程度,因此我们就以它为限来进行计算。

    Since this fire rate appeared , to the audience , to be impressively fast but not physically implausible , it provides a convenient upper limit for our calculations .

  5. 扮演莱戈拉斯的演员奥兰多•布鲁姆在现实生活中没法以这么快的速度射箭,其实在拍摄时他只是假装在拉弓射击,并没有搭上箭,观众们看到的箭其实是后期通过特效加上去的。

    The actor playing Legolas , Orlando Bloom , couldn 't really fire arrows that quickly . He was actually dry-firing an empty bow ; the arrows were added using CGI .

  6. 莱戈拉斯在《霍比特人》中并未被提及,因为当时托尔金还没有创作出他,但他是瑟兰迪尔的儿子,所以他的出现完全在情理之中。

    Thranduil . Legolas himself is not mentioned in The Hobbit , because Tolkien had not invented him yet , but he is the son of Thranduil and so his inclusion is completely understandable .

  7. 奥兰多将在《霍比特人:去而复返》中最后一次扮演精灵王子莱戈拉斯《霍比特人》最终部将于12月17上映,奥兰多将与伊恩▪麦凯伦,凯特▪布兰切特和马丁▪弗里曼共同出演。

    Orlando will reprise his elf prince character Legolas for the final time in The Hobbit : There and Back Again - due out December 17 - alongside Ian McKellen , Cate Blanchett , and Martin Freeman .

  8. 在2001年电影《指环王:魔戒远征队》加长版中出现了一个场景,其中一队兽人2朝莱戈拉斯猛攻,而莱戈拉斯连续不断地迅速拔箭射击,在兽人冲到他面前之前就一箭一个射倒了这些兽人。

    In the extended edition of the 2001 film Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring , there 's a scene where a group of orcs2 charge at Legolas , and Legolas draws and fires arrows in rapid succession , felling the attackers with one shot each before they reach him .