
  • 网络mordor
  1. 魔多的半兽人现在把守了安都因河岸。

    Mordor Orcs now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin .

  2. 他虽然躲在自己的魔多城堡里但仍可以窥视着一切

    Concealed within his fortress , the Lord of Mordor sees all

  3. 他在魔多也重建了巴拉多要塞

    His fortress at Barad is rebuilt in the land of Mordor

  4. 魔多,甘道夫,是往左还是往右?

    Mordor , Gandalf , is it left or right ?

  5. 在魔多国度的深处在末日火山的火海里

    In the land of Mordor , in the fires of Mount Doom

  6. 那些黑色的闸门都有魔多的半兽人军队看守着

    Its Black Gates are guarded by more than just Orcs

  7. 从那儿往东走到魔多。

    From there , our road turns east to mordor .

  8. 人类与精灵最后的联军与来自魔多的魔军开战了

    A Last Alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor

  9. 我们对抗不了魔多和艾辛格!

    We do not have the strength to fight both Mordor and isengard !

  10. 告诉你的主人魔多的军队必定灭亡。

    Tell your master this : . the armies of Mordor must disband .

  11. 弗罗多一天比一天更接近魔多。

    Every day , Frodo moves closer to mordor .

  12. 他在魔多也重建了要塞巴拉多。

    His fortress at barad-d ? R is rebuiit in the Iand of mordor .

  13. 我们不能就这样闯进魔多。

    One does not simply walk into mordor .

  14. 主人,魔多有什么命令?

    What orders from Mordor , my lord ?

  15. 魔多的古文字我实在不愿在这里读出来!

    The Ianguage is that of Mordor , which I wiII not utter here .

  16. 组成了精灵与人类的最后同盟,对抗魔多的邪恶兵团。

    A last Alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor .

  17. 我愿意把魔戒带到魔多。

    I will take the ring to mordor .

  18. 一个给魔多敌人的礼物。

    A gift to the foes of Mordor .

  19. 替我召集一支魔多大军。

    Build me an army worthy of Mordor .

  20. 从北边进入魔多。

    We approach Mordor from the North .

  21. 他们被召集到魔多。

    They are called to mordor .

  22. 有九个已经从魔多出发了

    The Nine have left Minas Morgul

  23. 邪恶在魔多蠢蠢欲动。

    Evil is stirring in Mordor .

  24. 我父亲是刚铎的宰相,他一直奋力和魔多抗争。

    Long has my father , the Steward of Gondor , kept the forces of Mordor at bay .

  25. 一定要深入魔多把魔戒丢到末日火山的烈焰中。

    It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came .

  26. 但仍有一些人在抵抗着,人类与精灵组成了一支最后的联盟来抵御魔多的军队,

    But there were some who resisted . A last alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor ,

  27. 来自远方的陌生人,老朋友你们被召集来商量如何对抗魔多的威胁。

    Strangers from distant lands , friends of old , you 've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor .

  28. 七枚矮人戒指中的四枚被龙吞噬,索伦在堕入魔多之前带走了两枚。

    Of the seven Dwarf rings , four were consumed by dragons two were taken by Sauron before he fell in Mordor .

  29. 我不敢请您谅解,爱隆君主,我说了魔多的黑语,然而将来这可能在西方每一个角落都听得到!

    I do not ask your pardon , Master Elrond , for the Black Speech of Mordor , may yet be heard in every corner ofthe West !

  30. 在魔多末日火山的烈焰中,黑暗魔君索伦暗中铸造了可以奴役世界的至尊魔戒

    In the land of Mordor , in the fires of Mount Doom the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a Master Ring to control all others .