
  • 网络carrie;Carrie White
  1. 紧随其后的是《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie),该片是1976年依据斯蒂芬&12539;金(StephenKing)同名小说改编的恐怖片的翻拍版。

    Close behind was ' Carrie , ' a remake of the 1976 horror movie based on Stephen King 's book .

  2. 恐怖程度居中的是刚刚上映的由金伯利?皮尔斯(KimberlyPeirce)执导的《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie),它翻拍自从斯蒂芬?金(StephenKing)的小说改编而来、布赖恩?德帕尔马(BrianDePalma)1976年的经典影片。

    Somewhere in between on the carnage meter is the just-released ' Carrie , ' director Kimberly Peirce 's remake of the 1976 Brian De Palma classic , adapted from the Stephen King novel .

  3. 新版《魔女嘉莉》将故事背景放在了视频时代。

    The new ' Carrie ' brings its story into the video era .

  4. 这只是一场精心设计的表演,其目的在于为今年即将在影院上映的新版《魔女嘉莉》作宣传。

    It 's all just an elaborate stunt designed to hype up and promote the upcoming remake of Carrie which is set to hit cinemas later this year .

  5. 《魔女嘉莉》的导演皮尔斯说:我的意思是,你看,用挂肉钩钩人确实恐怖,问题是一段时间后你就会无计可施。

    ' I mean , look , hanging people from meat hooks is scary , ' says Ms. Peirce , the ' Carrie ' director . ' The problem is you 're gonna run out of road after a while .

  6. 电影导演们认同,让《招魂》、《潜伏》和《魔女嘉莉》这些影片恐怖的并非突然惊吓或令人作呕的场景,而是我们对角色的喜爱,对他们的遭遇那种感同身受的恐惧。

    Filmmakers agree that what makes movies like ' The Conjuring , ' ' Insidious ' and ' Carrie ' frightening aren 't the jumps or gross-outs . It 's our attachment to the characters , our vicarious fear of what 's happening to them .