
  • 网络This time next year;Same Time Next Year;Next year
  1. 按照常规,到明年此时他将会退休。

    According to regular rules , he will retire at this time next year .

  2. 有没有可能到了明年此时,大多数投资者们又重返股票市场了呢?

    Could it be that this time next year , most investors are backing stocks ?

  3. 明年此时。耗资十亿美元的新棒球场将开放。

    The billion-dollar ballpark is to open next year at this time .

  4. 在“明年此时”中,凯莉和伽伦·泰罗尔被困在了哪里?

    Where are Cally and Galen Tyrol trapped in " A Day in the Life "?

  5. 如果考虑到折旧,你的车明年此时应当值2000英镑。

    Allowing for depreciation your car should be worth £ 2,000 this time next year .

  6. 明年此时,我会在做著和我现在做的完全一样的事情。

    Next year at this time I will be doing exactly what I am doing now .

  7. 明年此时,你将更自在、更舒适、更乐观。

    A year from now , you 'll be even more relaxed , comfortable and optimistic .

  8. 截止明年此时,钢铁侠、托尔和美国队长三人每人都将各自拥有三部独立的电影。

    Iron Man , Thor and Captain America will have headlined three solo movies each by this time next year .

  9. 但是撒拉明年此时将生下以撒,我是要同以撒履行立约的。

    But my covenant I will fulfil with isaac , whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year .

  10. 倘若明年此时的房价比现在还要低,则奥巴马很难成功连任。

    If house prices are even lower this time next year than they are today , Mr Obama will struggle to be re-elected .

  11. 否则明年此时,他很可能看到自己的大名明晃晃地挂在历任总统名单上。

    Otherwise , in a year 's time he may well see his own name added to the rolls of those who have lost their job .