
  • Tomorrow World;【电影】Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow
  1. 在明日世界(Tomorrowland)登上细长的喷气背包飞行器(JetPacks)需要等候75分钟;

    Boarding the spidery Jet Packs ride at Tomorrowland would take 75 minutes ;

  2. 不久前,拉里·佩奇(LarryPage)看了迪士尼电影《明日世界》(Tomorrowland),表示不喜欢。

    Not long ago , Larry Page watched the Disney film " Tomorrowland . " He didn 't like it .

  3. 在1971年的一期英国电视节目《明日世界》(Tomorrow’sWorld)中,詹姆斯·伯克(JamesBurke)在BBC的办公室里琢磨着活动雕塑、自动置杯架这类桌上玩具。

    A 1971 segment of the British television show " Tomorrow 's World " featured James Burke contemplating desktop diversions like kinetic sculpture and a motorized drink holder on the executive floor of the BBC .

  4. 立下远大志向,“明日世界”(Tomorrowland)中熠熠生辉的技术就有可能变成现实。

    Dream big , and the gleaming technology of Tomorrowland just might come true .

  5. 你问我怎么去明日世界?

    Ask me how do you get to the tomorrow land ?

  6. 我们也许还是得把明日世界留到下次罗。

    We might have to leave Tomorrowland for the future though .

  7. 他还在英国广播公司明日世界节目开播初期担任过主持人。

    He presented Tomorrow 's World when the BBC television show was in its infancy .

  8. 那时候,我们可以选择去冒险世界、幻想世界或明日世界。

    At that point , we can choose to go to adventureland , fantasyland or tomorrowland .

  9. 美国迪士尼公司的《明日世界》在北美遭遇开局不利后,该公司或对中国市场寄予厚望,以期减少这部斥资1.9亿美元打造的电影的亏损。

    Recently , after Disney film " Tomorrowland " 's weaker-than-expected debut in North America , Disney might be looking to China in hopes of cutting their losses on the $ 190m picture .

  10. 由世界各地云集香港的演讲者,以至伦美轮美奂的国际展览品,展示如何运用设计开拓明日新世界。

    Found out just how applicable design is to your world , with exhibits and speakers came from around the world .

  11. 加州迪士尼乐园和佛罗里达州华特·迪士尼世界的欢迎标语源自迪士尼本人1955年的一句话,“在这里你将离开现实的今日,进入一个昨日、明日和梦想的世界。”

    The welcome signs at Disneyland in California and Walt Disney World in Florida quote Walt Disney 's words from 1955 , " Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday , tomorrow and fantasy . "