
míng chè
  • transparent;bright and limpid
明澈 [míng chè]
  • [bright and limpid] 清澈明亮

明澈[míng chè]
  1. 湖水明澈如镜。

    The lake is like a mirror .

  2. 曾经头顶的天空是明澈无云的蔚蓝。

    Once the sky above had been a shimmering , cloudless blue .

  3. 噢,你这美妙的月儿呀,如此地真切而明澈。

    Oh your fair moon , so close and bright ;

  4. 湖面像镜子一样明澈。

    The lake as clear as mirror .

  5. 你那明澈微弱的光芒,

    As your bright and tiny spark

  6. 赋予形体以明澈和静穆

    Investing form with a lucid stillness

  7. 西方传统的诗总是运用透明、规整的语言话语传达清晰、明澈的思想意蕴。

    Traditional western literature had been using clear and standard language to communicate the clear and plain meaning .

  8. 溪水是从山涧流淌过来的,清凉而明澈;小山涧奔腾而下,流向平原。

    With flowed clear and cold out of the hills Little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain .

  9. 七潭山飞瀑鸣鸿,印石潭水明澈如镜,真是一幅江山多娇的画图。

    A seven Tanshan Ming-hung , India-Seeing as the pool mirror , is a domain of multi-Jiao 's painter .

  10. 华南的风景胜地桂林因其明澈的河水与壮美的山峰而闻名于世。

    Guilin , the scenic spot of southern China , is world famous for its clear river and magnificent mountains .

  11. 精神病,如此明澈的思想家的讽刺性的命运;讽刺的是如此周详的计划失败得如此彻底。

    Madness , an ironic fate for such a clear thinker ; it was ironical that the well-planned scheme failed so completely .

  12. 空间,作为灵魂的载体,可以同时具有明澈性、映像的模糊性,创造性和热情。

    Space , a psychic vessel of containment , can possess both the clarity and vagueness required for reflection , invention and passion .

  13. 他至今还从未见过河水&这个明澈耀眼的奇妙之物,它欢蹦乱跳地穿梭在岸边树林的倒影之间。它从不停息,匆匆奔流着,却一路欢声笑语。

    He had never seen a river before in his life-this wonderful bright shining thing , which danced its way in and out of the shadows under the trees .

  14. 经书中这样写到:“愿我来世,得菩提时,身如琉璃,内外明澈,净无瑕秽。”

    After this book , wrote : " I would like afterlife , a Buddha , the body , such as glass , inside and outside the Ming Che , net Tourette perfect . "

  15. 木槿长势正好,枝叶在明澈的天空下交错叠沓,我拈着一朵绯红的木槿,惬意地走在校园里。

    The hibiscus grew fine , its branches and leaves unfolded like a huge umbrella under the clear and bright sky . I picked up a bundle of fresh and red hibiscus flower , and capered across my campus .

  16. 当下许多教育教学新观念、新思想以及变革行为抉择的是或明或暗的自然主义教育思路,然而树立以自然为法的教学信念需要一种深沉而又明澈的教学想象力。

    Nowadays many educational and instructional ideas , thoughts , and reform measures chose the naturalistic educational thinking which existed implicitly and explicitly , however , establishing the instructional faith which considered nature as the law would need a kind of profound but fresh instructional imagination .