
nónɡ xué yuàn
  • agricultural college
  1. 福建农学院学报第16卷总目录

    Journal of Fujian Agricultural College Vol.16 no.1 & 4 1981 contents

  2. 1942年任中央大学农学院院长。

    Appointed dean of Agricultural College , National Central University in1942 .

  3. 北京农学院等单位用PCR扩增牛SRY序列进行奶牛胚胎性别鉴定准确率达100%。

    Unit determined sexuality of cattle embryo with cattle SRY sequence expanded by PCR , The accuracy was 100 % .

  4. 西北农学院校园内白粉菌(PowderyMildews)的分类学初步研究

    A Preliminary Taxonomic Study of Powdery Mildews on the Campus of the Northwestern College of Agriculture

  5. 山东农业大学农学院选育的糯玉米新组合Wxn×Wxa,2001年4月经山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定,定名为山农花糯1号。

    The new combination of waxy maize Wxn × Wxa was selected by college of agronomy in agricultural university of Shandong .

  6. 用麦胚人工饲料饲养甘蓝夜蛾幼虫,饲料添毒接种生产甘蓝夜蛾核型多角体病毒(MbNPV,东北农学院分离的菌株)。

    Larvae of Mamestra brassicae were reared on a wheat germ diet , which was inoculated with the virus to produce nuclear polyhedral virus ( MbNPV ) .

  7. 农学院指派人员去指导这些学习班的工作。

    The colleges assigned people to direct work with the institutes .

  8. 对北京农学院体育教学现状分析

    Analyze the Current Situation of Physical Education in Beijing Agricultural College

  9. 本文统计分析了西北农学院莎能羊群的产奶性能。

    The performance of Saanen dairy goat has been analysed statistically .

  10. 金陵大学农学院农业推广及其效益

    Agricultural Promotion of Agricultural College of University of Nanking and its Benefits

  11. 标本保藏于莱阳农学院菌根生物技术实验室。

    Type specimen is kept in Mycorrhiza Laborary , Laiyang Agricultural College .

  12. 天津农学院学报1997-2001年引文分析

    Citation Analysis of Journal of Tianjin Agricultural College from 1997 to 2001

  13. 模式标本均采自贵州,保存于贵州农学院。

    The type specimens are deposited in Guizhou Agricultural College .

  14. 它们是农学院培育出的改良品种。

    They are improved strains bred by the Agricultural College .

  15. 这个农场就在山西农学院旁边。

    The farm lies mext to the Shanxi Agricultural college .

  16. 湖北农学院学报总目次

    Journal of Hubei Agricultural College & vol.13 main contents 1993

  17. 贵州农学院学报1993年第12卷总目次


  18. 上海农学院学术专著的统计与分析

    A statistics and an analysis for the works of Shanghai Agricultural College

  19. 金陵大学农学院农业科研措施及其成就

    Scientific Research Activities Achievements of the Agricultural College of University of Nanking

  20. 湖北农学院学报1992年(第12卷)总目次

    Journal of Hubei Agricultural College Vol. 12 main contents 1992

  21. 密西根州已有一所农学院。

    The state of Michigan already had an agricultural college .

  22. 同样,许多农学院和农业大学中也忽视基础生态学。

    Basic ecology has similarly been ignored in many agricultural schools and universities .

  23. 园林设计在延边大学农学院校园建设中的应用

    Application of land-scape design to campus building in agricultural college of Yanbian University

  24. 莱阳农学院机电工程学院

    Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College of Laiyang Agricultural University

  25. 北京农学院遗传育种研究所参与了示范和推广工作。

    Institute of Genetics and Breeding of Beijing Agricultural College took part of work .

  26. 广西农学院学报第9卷(1990)总目录

    Journal of Guangxi Agricultural College Vol.9 1990 contents

  27. 安徽农业大学农学院;

    School of Agronomy , Anhui Agricultural University ;

  28. 海南大学农学院实验室设置的思考

    Thinking on Laboratory 's Establishment and Disposition of the Agricultural College of Hainan University

  29. 金陵大学农学院对中国近代农业的影响

    The Influences of College of Agronomy in Jingling University on Agriculture in Modern China

  30. 农业科学研究(原《宁夏农学院学报》)2005年总目次

    Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2005 Main Contents