
nónɡ yè zhōnɡ xué
  • Agricultural Middle School;secondary school of agriculture
  1. 他主持创办农业中学,取得丰硕的成果,为全国农业中学的创办树立了榜样。

    He maintained to found agricultural school , setting an example for the foundation of national agricultural schools .

  2. 在回族、撒拉族聚集的东部农业区办女子中学或女童班;

    In the eastern agricultural regions inhabited by Hui and Sala People , there are female middle schools of classes especially for female children .

  3. 对撒拉族女童教育状况的人类学调查与研究在回族、撒拉族聚集的东部农业区办女子中学或女童班;

    An Investigation on Salar Girls Education : an Application of Cultural Anthropology Research Approach ; In the eastern agricultural regions inhabited by Hui and Sala People , there are female middle schools of classes especially for female children .

  4. 我国是农业大国,农村中学的教育质量在很大程度上决定了基础教育的整体水平,其中语文教育的质量和语文教师的素质历来是国民关注的焦点。

    Our country is a large agricultural country . The educational quality of rural junior has decided the overall level of basic education greatly , in which , the qualities of Chinese education and Chinese teachers are always the focus of national solicitude .