
  1. 我国农村医疗卫生体制分析

    Analysis on Medicinal and Health System of Rural Areas in China

  2. 云南省农村医疗卫生人才队伍现状调查

    Survey and Analysis of Status of Rural Health Talents in Yunan

  3. 对黑龙江省农村医疗卫生状况与人才需求的调查及分析

    Survey on status of rural health and talents demand in Heilongjiang

  4. 以乡镇卫生院为主体加强农村医疗卫生建设的研讨

    Strengthening rural health services based mainly on village and township hospitals

  5. 农村医疗卫生保障的公共财政支持研究

    A Study on Fiscal Support for Rural Health Care Security System

  6. 某区农村医疗卫生机构消毒效果分析

    Analysis of disinfect efficacy in rural health organization of a district

  7. 我国农村医疗卫生事业相关政策法规刍议

    A Study on China 's Rural Medical Care Policies and Regulations

  8. 农村医疗卫生政策创新的法制保障

    The Legal System Guarantee of Hygienic Policy Innovation of Rural Medical Treatment

  9. 对改善农村医疗卫生人才队伍现状的思考

    The Thinking of Improving the Status of Rural Medical and Health Personnel

  10. 论建立低价格的农村医疗卫生体系运行机制

    Discussion on Establishing Low-price Operative Mechanism of Rural Health System

  11. 当前农村医疗卫生服务状况调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Current Service Condition of Rural Medical and Health

  12. 结果:1.吉林省农村医疗卫生机构的分布。

    Distribution of rural health institutions in Jilin Province .

  13. 城市和农村医疗卫生服务供给与需求的对比分析

    Contrasting on Supply and Demand of the Medical Health Service between City and Village

  14. 论建立我国农村医疗卫生体制中的政府责任

    Discussion on the Duty of Government in Establishing Rural Medical Treatment and Sanitation System

  15. 近年来,公共卫生、农村医疗卫生和城市社区卫生发展加快,取得了突破性进展。

    In recent years , rural medical care and urban community health care developed rapidly .

  16. 论高等职业医学人才与农村医疗卫生事业发展

    Develops by the Higher Professional Medicine Talented Person and the Countryside Medical Service Public Health

  17. 农村医疗卫生工作是一项长期而又艰巨的社会系统工程。

    The rural medical and healthy work is a long-term , formidable social systems engineering .

  18. 农村医疗卫生服务的供需属性是公共财政支持的理论依据。

    The product nature of the rural health care provides theoretical foundation for fiscal support .

  19. 构建基于公共财政的新疆农村医疗卫生保障体系

    Construct the System of Rural Health Care and Security of Xinjiang Based on Public Fiscal

  20. 基于网络环境的农村医疗卫生信息服务探讨

    Network-based medical information service in rural areas

  21. 河南省农村医疗卫生现状调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on the current condition of the rural medical treatment and health in Henan

  22. 社会转型与农村医疗卫生

    Social transformation and rural medical system

  23. 提高福建省农村医疗卫生服务质量的探讨

    On improving rural medical services quality

  24. 第四章是中国农村医疗卫生保障的现状分析。

    The fourth chapter is the analysis of current conditions of rural medical and health care .

  25. 本研究主要关注的是我国集体化时代的农村医疗卫生。

    This research mainly focus on the rural medical and healthcare during the period of Chinese Agriculture Collectivization .

  26. 结论:老年人、妇女、儿童是农村医疗卫生服务的高需求人群,其中老年人和儿童为高利用人群。

    Conclusion : Health demand and health service utilization of the elder , children and women are higher .

  27. 第五,进一步完善医疗服务体系,大力发展农村医疗卫生服务。

    Fifth , to further improve the health care system , vigorously develop the rural medical and health services .

  28. 这些工作的实施全面的体现了国家对农村医疗卫生工作情况是十分关心的。

    These work implements comprehensive reflected a country of rural medical and health work situation is very concerned about .

  29. 要解决这些问题,必须多方面配套深化农村医疗卫生体制改革,加强公共支持并提高其有效性。

    To solve them , we should deepen rural medical system reform , strengthen public support and enhance availability .

  30. 农村医疗卫生服务预算改革重点是提高对农民医疗保障水平。

    The reform for rural health service budget should focus on improving the level of medical care for farmers .