
  • 网络county hospital
  1. 浅析偏远地区县级医院改造扩建工程设计

    On design of reconstruction expanding project of county hospital in remote area

  2. 县级医院在病房管理上如何适应市场经济转轨

    Adaptation of Ward Administration of County Hospital to the Needs of the Market Economy

  3. 目的评估借助外埠心脏介入专家赶赴县级医院,就地急诊经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术(PCI)治疗急性心肌梗死(AMI)的安全性、可行性及有效性。

    Objective To evaluate the safety and feasibility of patients with AMI treated via direct percutaneous coronary intervention performed by specialists from center hospitals in the county-class hospital .

  4. 县级医院业务收入变化趋势及其影响因素分析

    Trend analysis of service revenue of county hospitals and its determinants

  5. 县级医院现代化人才队伍建设的探讨

    An exploration on developing modern talent in hospitals at county level

  6. 浅谈县级医院制剂室的空气净化改造

    Reconstruction of Air-Cleaning System for the Preparation Room of County-Level Hospitals

  7. ISO9001:2000质量管理体系在县级医院的应用

    The application of ISO9001:2000 quality management system in county level hospital

  8. 浅谈县级医院审计档案的管理

    Talk about the management of audit archives in county level hospital

  9. 山东省县级医院奖金制度变化及其与医院业务收入之间的关系分析

    An Analysis on Relationship between Bonus Switch and Hospital Service Revenue

  10. 贫困县级医院成功开展整体护理的体会

    The experience about successful holistic nursing in county-class hospital in poor region

  11. 知识型县级医院核心人才素质的立体模糊评估

    Solid Fuzzy Evaluation for the core talent quality in knowledge-based county hospitals

  12. 县级医院妇科腹腔镜的应用前景

    The future use of laparoscopic gynecology in the county-level hospital

  13. 打造人性化医疗服务品牌实现县级医院持续发展

    To develop humanity medical service brand and promote continuous development in county hospitals

  14. 仪器运转方面乡镇卫生院稍好于县级医院。

    Township hospitals did better than county-level hospitals in terms of equipment utilization .

  15. 县级医院如何抓好计量管理工作

    How to do well in the measurement supervisory work of the county level hospital

  16. 县级医院综合优势指标的建立与检验为该地区蝗虫类群的优势种。

    Creating county hospital comprehensive superiority index in rural areas were the superiority species .

  17. 县级医院病房护士工作满意度调查与分析

    An investigation and analysis on the job satisfaction among ward nurses in county hospitals

  18. 并且西部地区的县级医院相对效率较高。

    And the county hospitals of the western region the efficiency is relatively higher .

  19. 农村两县县级医院剖宫产率升高的因素分析

    Analysis on effect factors of high cesarean section rate in two county level hospitals

  20. 居民住院主要发生在省内县级医院。

    The main medical institution for hospitalization is hospital of county level in province .

  21. 一个县级医院使用抗感染药物的现状分析

    Analysis of the Status of the Use of Anti-infective Drugs in a County Hospital

  22. 县级医院化验项目成本统计核算分析

    An Analysts of the Statistical Cost Accounting of the Laboratory Test Projects in County-level Hospitals

  23. 乡镇卫生院与县级医院的竞争及其对乡镇卫生院防保功能的影响

    Competitions between township and county hospitals and its influence on preventive functions in township hospitals

  24. 县级医院设备维修状况探讨

    County Level Hospital Medical Equipment Service Discussion

  25. 探讨贫困地区县级医院科学发展的有效途径

    Probe into the effective approach to scientific development of county level hospital in depressed area

  26. 湖南省某县级医院住院费用及其影响因素研究

    Study on Hospitalization Expenditure and Its Determinants in a County Level Hospital in Hunan Province

  27. 自己独立运作市场,对市级药店和县级医院的操控。

    One operate independently the market , to municipal pharmacy and county level hospital control .

  28. 目的:探讨县级医院开展妇科腹腔镜手术的应用前景。

    Objective : To assess the applied prospect of laparoscopic gynecology in the county-level hospital .

  29. 中国南北方两县县级医院产科服务现状分析

    Analysis on obstetric services of county hospitals in two counties in southern and northern areas of China

  30. 县级医院急诊护士与病房护士工作压力源的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of job stressors between emergency room nurses and ward nurses in county level hospital